
What would you do when life is so painful?

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What u do when the pain is unbearable. U have nobody to trust or talk to openly, people whom u trusted just turned their backs?




  1. I'm sorry, sometimes I feel the same way..I get over it by talking to my best friend or going for a run, things to get my mind of can talk to me if you want to get something of your mind?

  2. Find someone who you can talk to. There is always someone out there who will listen and can help you. Not knowing your situation, it is difficult to give you  advice. Just know that you matter and   never give up. Try a shelter, church, hospital or any drop in if they are in your area. Take care and good luck.

  3. Don’t like to talk with any one and busy my self with my family.

  4. what you are feeling is overwhelming.  I've been there.  I use to go for walks.  That led to jogging.  It also helped me to get out of the house, do something useful with my spare time and keep myself in shape.

    I'm sorry you feel this way.  It sucks to be lonely or feel portrayed.

    I also contacted my local hard ware store i.e. Home Depot.  They offer do it yourself classes such as wood working, faux painting, stain glass etc . . . was lots of fun and meet lots of interesting people.  

  5. Pray.    And phone Samaritans or Salvation Army.

  6. talk to Jesus and go to church seek out understanding threw the lord will give you peace and his heart on the problem good luck and know you are not alone he loves you and is waiting to help be blessed  

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