
What would you do when somebody insults your heritage?

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  1. every heritage has brought something to american culture. just point it out and make them feel bad. like if you're french, remind them that your people gave one of the most recognized landmarks(statue of liberty) in america. whoever that is sounds ignorant. america wouldnt be what it was without the big melting pot of cultures , foods, etc.... it would be boring if you asked me

  2. I would tell them I was so glad I met their approval.

  3. Just figure they don't know what they're talking about . It don't make or break the world when somebody says something I don't agree with .

  4. Laugh it off. Tell a good ethnic joke. Humor fixes everything.

    We take so many things too seriously and need to learn to pick our battles wisely.

  5. Tell him there is no correlation between ancestry and good manners.

  6. Consider the source, and educate them.  Do you know the difference between ignorance and stupidity?  There is a cure for ignorance!!!!

  7. Call them names and tell them to bite me.

  8. Educate the fool.

  9. The first time I was called a n**i because I am part German, blonde haired and blue eyed, I punched the F*****.

    But today I mostly just looked at them as if they are idiots. Or more often than not, make them feel like idiots for calling me such a thing, by educating them about what a n**i really is, how hurtful and dissrespectful it is to call me that and how if anyone else had been called that, the person doing the calling, probably wouldn't survive very long.

  10. Forgive the ignorant?


    Keep quiet and avoid them?

  11. What is your heritage?

    I am gonna take a wild leap and presume that you are Mexican, because these days that is the hot issue (illegal immigration). And yes, people can get very insulting. But you must understand that for those of us born here (and some of us have Latino heritage, too), we feel very concerned by the deluge in Mexicans pouring into the country. I was so happy when Mexicans started coming into my town until it became 95% Mexican. Do you know what it feels like to go into a business and try and buy a can of tomato paste and the woman behind the counter doesn't know a word of what you are saying? And she can get a business loan while you are unemployed? Or you are trying to find out a price on some veggies and the guy you ask stares at you blankly because HE doesn't know English (happened to me today when I was at the store and the guy tried to answer me and was wrong because he barely spoke the language). And when there is graffiti marring your property or the property of others in town and you feel like you live in a ghetto? Or when litter is all over the ground because people don't respect the outdoors? Or when you walk down the street and must hear all kinds of mariachi music blaring from large pick-ups and SUVs because the people don't respect silence? If a group comes in and makes things less pleasant, they will leave a bad impression. Better to talk to them about watching how they act than to criticize us for not liking it...

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