
What would you do when you know a meteroid will hit the earth?

by Guest57520  |  earlier

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I mean like the last activities you would do?

I would be on sea with a boat:_)




  1. jst be calm n njoy the beautiful sight

    and u will get the chance of getting almost near to the star(almost as strong as sun) without even moving from the place u r at.

  2. put my head between my knees and kiss my

    a** goodbye

  3. getting reallllllllly drunk

    eating loadsssa sugar

    laughing alot

    would be fun :-)

    this is if i was 100% sure it was gonna happen!

    or i'd take a 1st class ticket to space!

  4. What can you do?  Not like we can move out of the way, I'd go on as usual.

  5. Depends on the size of the meteorite. I guess i would like to be in a spaceshuttle or ISS. (Bird's eye view is more romantic then surfing on a tsunami).

  6. Meteriod will not hit the earth because the earth gravity is morethan than that

  7. Sit by the lake with my husband and pets and wait to see the face of my Saviour.  Not afraid.

  8. i would spend most of the time with my hubby and my friends and family but my very last few minutes would be spend curled up in bed cuddling with my hubby and pets!

  9. why would a meteroid hit earth

  10. i would challenge Putin to a game of "chubby bunny".

    i bet he cant cram 19 marshmallows in his mouth at once

  11. I would be in bed with a beautifull woman.

  12. Not a whole lot, find whoever I'd like to see at that time and chill.

  13. go loot the liquor store. when i die i don't want to be feeling any pain.

  14. Call Space centers, and then do everything else I wanted to do in my life really quick why do you ask?

  15. But in the shuttle or space station you would be doomed to a slow agonizing death through starvation or dehydration. personally i would go skydiving without a parachute.

  16. Duck!

  17. If I can survive, I will go to an underground shelter that has food and water for years! =)

    I want to live to see what the world would be like after this incident. Even if there's no one left, I'd want to live.

    Life on Earth will still exist, it has before.

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