
What would you do when your relative try to take advantage of you?

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My husband’s stepmother’s grandson is moving from out state and he is study at community college near by my house in CA. For the last 3 weeks since he got here, he has been stop by my house eat everyday. I don’t might if he comes sometimes but he has been stop by every night and sometimes spend night at my living room. I have 2 small children (4 & 2) and my husband always work late so all the pressure was on me. I like the kid but I just can’t afford or have energy to cook for him everyday. He is also very lazy never help me on anything or say thank you. He will just sit there and watch TV and waiting for me to bring the food on the table. I don’t know how to tell him not to stop by everyday since all his family is not here. Is there a good way to tell him and not hurt his feelings since he still a kid (18 yrs old)?




  1. You need to display something that is called a backbone . Immediately when he comes in again you say : sorry we were just going out . You cannot stay here without us and loaf . Please go home and only show up when invited . NEVER be a slave to other people and a young kid like that probably has not brains enough to see how hard it is for you . Just tell him up front what the score is .

    Furthermore all over night camping at your house are stopped. Now, get in there and tell the moocher what is up. He needs to be told TODAY !

  2. Just come out and say you only made enough for u and your kids.Or you can just say all of you guys are sick.So don't come over.

    Good luck!=)

  3. You created a monster by allowing him to eat and sleep for free and take the food to him.  Just stop.  Don't do it.  If he brings it up to you tell him you will have to charge him $5.00 per meal and $50.00 for sleepovers.  You most likely are very young because you can't say NO and you worry what family will think about you.  Hey, your life and family happines should be more important to you then what others think.  DON'T FEED HIM.  If you keep it up, tell him to help you clean out the garage, pull weeds in the back.  Tell him, "Can you come by tomorrow and pull out the weeds, or paint my bathroom, or pull out some (whatever) you have in your backyard.  Tell him, don't ask him to do things for you.  He will run out of their so quick he wont be coming back.  Make him do things for you.  I have a sister in law who everone and their mother would go over their house and she makes people clean the dishes, feed her dogs and build fences for her because my brother can never say no.  She loves it because her house is super clean and has never had to pay anyone to do the little repairs around her house.  Some leave and never come back, but those that do work like slaves.  She cooks really great, that's why some family members keep coming back.  Its a win win if you feed him a plate really worth $2.00 and then have him mowe your lawn or clean your kitchen.  Tell him, "hey nobody lives and eats for free so I am going to need for you to build me such and such."  It comes with age, they say older people lose their sense of kindness.  You will learn.

  4. Start feeding him either cheapy awful vegan food or the same out of date super cheap microwave meals every single time.

    Like tescos own week old microwaveable curry.

  5. Talk to the parents instead, or better, get your husband to talk to the parents, since it's more appropriate so.

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