My neighbors husband passed away yesterday, although we do talk it is very "hi how are you" "how's your husband' short and sweet... However she and my 3yr old daughter have really hit it off. She has a dog (who is a monster) he hates everyone except this woman and my daughter. He frequently gets loose and comes here and sits on our pourch to visit or if he runs up the street our neighbor will take my daughter on her golf cart to catch him and she also talks her on walks daily with this dog... It's really cute. The question is what at this point should we do? Should I take the three yr old to the visitation for a quick visit, should I just send flowers, cook a meal or all of the above. This woman was married for 51 yrs and her children live many states away and she is all alone. It seems like over the last year or so all she has had is this little mean dog and my daughter.