He made a sudden plan to meet up tonight, and asked me out of the blue.
Since we rarely meet and we stay quite far apart, in addition of transportation problems, we meet rarely excepts on every weekends.
I couldn't meet up with him as i had some problems at home. My folks went through some major arguments and i didn't want to leave them alone and go do my thing. so i told my partner i cant meet him due to the reason above.
And this was what he did.
He didnt even ask the degree of the problem i faced nor understand what i have to go through.
All he said was i promised to meet him and i should (yes i promised but i expected these issues should get an immunity)
He threatened to commit suicide if i never meet up. He forced that he will drive and come over and if i dont step out from my house he will do something to revenge like taking his own life.
He was cold and harsh and using hurtful words such as i am useless etc..
He always threatens. and when i ask him why, his answer is simple, because i dont keep my words.
How am i to keep my words when unexpected events happen?
Is it my fault that i have to deal with parents who are in the verge of killing themselves?
Please help me as i need to hear others point of view on how to deal with his threats and major anger management issues.
PLease help....