
What would you do with an $1,800 tax return?

by Guest32055  |  earlier

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Would you save it for a rainy day?

Would you invest it?

Would you just spend it on toys or a trip?


Best answer gets the 10 points!




  1. Pay my bills.  $1800 is not a lot

  2. invest of course. Tax returns should not be counted on for daily expenses. They are the little extras that allow us to get ahead.

  3. I would pay off debts with it.

  4. I'd buy a pair of Fischer RC4 WC SL Slalom Skis and find an empty red.

  5. Pay off bills and stock up on food.

  6. pay all my bills, and then save the rest, then order pizza!

  7. Man  i would do alot, fill up my old c10 with gas. buy and new carb intake and MSD dist. with all the goodies. exhaust and some wheels. 1800 is not enough for a paint job. suck. but all the new parts would look awsome.

  8. It';s not alot in uk. Probably cost as much to bank it. Could use it to train to get a better job and fatter Tax returns in the future. Cool. Treat yourself to something you feel you deserve.

  9. Start a savings account with $1000.00 & spend the rest on bills & a fun night out.

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