
What would you do with this re-gifting faux pas?

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Most people have caught onto the idea of re-gifting and practice it. Have you ever received a gift only to find a sentimental personal card or note in it that was made out to the person who gave you the gift? How did you or how would you handle this situation?




  1. I would just let it go, but I'd probably have a good laugh over it with some other friends!  I'd also use this as a learning experience: be very careful when you're re-gifting! :)

  2. i think i might just let it go but it would depend on the relationship i had with the person who re-gifted it.   Unless it hurt my feelings and then i might say something.  

  3. I recieved a bath and body set from a friend in the eleventh grade. I was thrilled and brought it home but when I went to check the swing tag on it (just out of curiousity) it was to her from her grandma. Not only that but when I opened the set up she had actually used some of the stuff. At first I was a little annoyed as I had taken the time to get her a gift too and I felt like she was showing me a lack of respect. This girl wasn't poor by any means so it's not like she couldn't get anything better. To behonest, I would've been happier with a card than her used bath stuff. I brought it up and she denied it even calling me a liar so we're not friends anymore. It turned out okay though, I used the unopened stuff and the rest of it I used to bathe one of our outdoor dogs =)

  4. If I thought the gift-giver would like to have the card or note back because it had sentimental value, I would return the gift and the card/note.  I may or may not give her a way out by saying something like, "Ooops!  I think you mixed up your gifts and gave me your gift instead of my gift."

    If I thought the gift-giver was just careless and would not care about the note/card, I would probably just keep quiet.

    If I wanted to be nasty, for whatever reason, I would re-gift the gift back to the regifter, perhaps even with a note of my own, with something like, "Don't forget your note/card this time!  It's quite lovely, really."

    ::evil smirk::

    Naw.  I wouldn't do the last thing. ;-)

  5. I think I would just let it go and not say anything. It's supposed to be the thought that counts and while a regifted item doesn't require much thought it still shows they thought of you to give you something.

  6. Re-gifting is rather cheap, but it does exist.  I would thank the giver in person or by card.  Just say thank you for the gift.  By the way, I liked the note that your (other giver) wrote to you. Let them stew over the fact that you found out.  It should not end the friendship, but let them realize how cheap they were.  Perhaps this lesson will help them grow up.

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