I got my very own response card from the Petition Project.
I'm torn between sending it back with a few choice words and just ignoring it.
I suspect if I send it back, they would use my name as supporting the petition even though I told them to get stuffed. Is having a chance to tell Seitz he's an idiot worth the risk of having my name appear along with thousands of other scientific illiterates?
It does come with a very nice glossy reprint on climate change from the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. A lot of surprisingly good climate science is published there, it's sort of Crichton's home journal. Anyway, pretty much every argument you hear here is given in detail there. So all you skeptics can just reference this:
Env. Effects of Inc. Atm. CO2, Robinson, Robinson, and Soon, J. Amer. Phys. Surgeons, (2007), 12, 79-90.