
What would you doooo for a Klondike bar?

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What would you doooo for a Klondike bar?




  1. nothing. maybe thats why no one ever gives me one.-blurey

  2. Trade it for a Dove bar....

  3. start a nuclear war bringing on a nuclear winter and the death of all life on the planet.

    mmm, maybe that's going too far.

  4. I would dance naked around the igloo.

  5. A lot of exercise classes.

  6. I would play Wipeout on my butt cheeks!

  7. Go on a roller coaster ride/mountain-climbing up a high mountain. (I'm terrified of heights.) Walk around in public naked, let several tarantulas crawl on me, sit in a bath full of snakes--that aren't poisonous! lol. Mud-wrestle, hop in a rocket and go to the moon or mars...Or some other stuff that I usually wouldn't think of doing--Or that I'd be too scared of doing! I love Klondike bars! I ate two boxes of klondike bars in 4 days because they're so darn yummy! :D

  8. I'd sell my soul...but only eat 99% of it and freeze the rest. This way I can keep my soul.

  9. nothing...i dont like them

  10. nuthing really...uh go buy 1

  11. I would let you hit me in the face with a cream pie, plus squirt me with seltzer.

  12. I've never had one or wanted one.....odd. I love the song, I'm singing it now 8-)

  13. nothing. but i ould do anything for a blonde-d**e, lol.

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