
What would you do?with this girl?

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if you are a school counselor and a girl catch your interest she is always alone and seems to be in her world ,sometimes she looks at you in the eyes but most of the times she doesn’t look at anyone ,or notice no one ,her grades are good and well ,is it a nature or sign of autism sometimes. She doesn’t see who is walking in the same path as she walks and she stands awkwardly ,no one in the school stands like her,

Should i talk to her




  1. What a lovely, kind, thoughtful person you are.  The fact is that most of us Aspies (those with Asperger's Syndrome) are happy in our isolated world and find it very difficult to socialise or make small talk with others. On the other hand, it is a lovely experience when someone walks up to us just to say say "Hi".  Please don't be offended if we find it difficult to respond - that is the nature of our disability. Lots o' love.

  2. Yes, just go over and say hi, start chatting to her :)

  3. definitely. in her case, she MIGHT have an autism. try to get close to her and have a deeper observation. if you reckon she have autism here:

    try to asses the people on their views towards her. maybe she is having a different psychological or emotional disturbance. autism affects the ability of a person to learn. people having autism mostly having a hard time to cope up but it depends on the intensity of the disorder. try to talk to the parents and to the child her self.

    best wishes : )

  4. yes, it could do both of you a lot of good

  5. Yea why not.

    I wouldn't worry about throwing labels at her, thinking shes a spaztic is'nt really what she presumably needs, unless she is doing repetative things all day and screams when you touch her or whatever, that is. She might just be shy and have issues, often if someone feels awkward inside it'll manifest in the way they stand.

    Talk to her and see if you can help her work through what ever it is.

  6. i think you should. does she do anything else to draw attention to herself?

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