
What would you feel if...?

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your friend bought the same shirt you got? My friend and i are starting school soon. She went shopping before i did and showed me the clothes she bought. I decided to go to the same mall she did but it wasn't because i wanted to get the same things she did, it was because the clothes were fashionable but cheap. Even though i didn't know what stores she went to, i saw some of the things she bought. I really liked this shirt that i saw in the window but i didn't know she had the same one until after i bought it. I got mine in black and she got hers in white. I'm not completely sure if she's mad at me but when i called her to tell her, she had a bit of an attitude in her tone. If the same thing happened to me i really wouldn't care but she gets angry over every thing! I just want to know if YOU would get mad if the same thing happened to you and do you think she has the right to get mad or do you think its just really stupid?




  1. Stupid fight. She's wrong. If someone got the same top as me I'd be complimented. It means to me that we share the same taste in clothes. Also I believe that as the shirts are different colours everything should be fine.

  2. If it were the exact same shirt and it were my new favorite and I'd told my friend all about it and the she went out and bought the same one, then I'd be upset.  I'd probably be a little annoyed in a situation like yours, but not too upset, especially since they're different colors. Plus, now you both know you have similar styles and can go to each other for fashion advice :);...

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