
What would you get if you crossed a bat with a lion and a human?

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  1. ggg

  2. you

  3. My mom's next boyfriend!!

    Joking. Naturally, it would never happen, but through genetic engineering, I would have to say... one heck of a legal dispute. That DOES sound like a manticore to me, though.

  4. Obviously in reality such a thing is not possible. However, there is a mythical creature called a manticore which has the body of a lion, the head of a human, the wings of a bat and the tail of a scorpion - here's an image:

    So if it WAS possible to cross these species, you might end up with something like this!

  5. A man's body with bat wings and a lion's head...

    Eh... It would be wierd to see a naked guy flyin in the air with a lion mask on... At least that's what I would think first...

  6. A Griffin.

  7. A six month long reality tv program.

  8. One Big Mistake!!!

  9. you.

  10. Nothing the sperm(s) and the eggs would not fertilize therefor not creating a Zygote in turn not creating this animal. But, for all intent and purposes I would say some thing along the lines of a griffin. (the magical creature not a character from Family Guy)

  11. u

  12. My husband after too many beers - comes out at night, is a ferocious predator...not so sure about the human part, though.

  13. not funny! ridiculous question!

  14. Sylvester Stallone's mother

    shes an old bat, shes a viscous as a lion and some people think shes human

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