
What would you give up to stop global warming?

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If we want to stop global warming, we as the public is going to have to give something up. So, would you give up your car, or maybe even stop having so many children?




  1. Lima beans.

  2. I would give up nothing to stop something that is a hoax.

    Al G has carbon credits to sell you and I have a bridge to sell you.

    Al should give up so much running around in his private jet and set an example.


    in the 1970's scientists thought they were going to have another ice - age & now its too hot?


    the earth goes through cycles of change hot & cold

    so you ask what would i give up.

    absolutely nothing at all, because its not real.

  4. Nothing- I don't believe global warming.  

  5. This is why lunatic greens will never get anywhere, children are much more valuable than a few degrees of temperature.

  6. Oh god not the overpopulation myth again.

    Look, why is it always about giving something up to make some symbolic gesture?   And why, given that that's always what it's about, do you deny that it's a religion?

  7. U can stop it in a heartbeat. All it takes is wrestle control of govt back from the elite global freaks who created the global warming hoax. The hoax is becoming so obvious they had to redub it "climate change" to try to keep us sleeping. Peeps gotsta wake up. It is a hoax that man causes global warming. The hoax is part of the "brainwash the people to go along with one world government" game.

    In making their "case" for global warming they had to make the medieval warming period disappear from the history books. Some peeps picked up on that lie. Read it from the Harvard Gazette

    Peeps scoop up the G.W. hoax cuz the media shows only one side to the so-called debate--the side it wants U to believe. The owners of the media want one-world govt for profit so they spread the myth. We gotsta apply more scrutiny into what we are told from the media. Watch this film about the merger of govt & media. It will teach U what you need to avoid falling prey to the media manipulation machine.

    Dont be fooled by what is/is not mainstream media. Examples of less obvious extensions of mainstream media are National Geographics & Discovery Channel & their web sites. is a Discovery Channel web site. Those elite global freaks have been buying up all the information pathways for almost a century. They have then sewn up pretty good now.

  8. I gave up a gas car for an electric one! zero emissions !

    I love never have to pump gas...

    It's called a Flybo which is a knock off of the Smart car.

    Found mine for $8500 Brand new! My insurance is 1/4 the price of the gas car and My registation has $10 I used the same plate!

    You con't beat that....

  9. I am willing to give up  believing I am the cause of all death and destruction on earth. Not having any more kids at this stage in life. Gotta have my gas guzzler truck for deer hunting.

  10. I would give up on the mass hysteria that global warming has caused.

  11. having kids just adopting,cars ,gas,oil,nuclear energy,cutting down trees,almost any thing  POLUTION AND GLOBAL WARMING ARE NOT A MYTH

  12. The jobs of all the worlds coal miners.

    We might also have to give up the credibility of the anti-nuclear movement as well.

  13. Tourists.

  14. Your question alone gives merit to the fact hat AGW is nothing more than a mean of gaining control of a populous that values their freedom above all things.  WE don't have to give up anything, if we are allowed to innovate and make technology that takes care of our needs. Nuclear power is one, but we cant do that because every one is scared of Chernobyl, giant co2 scrubber that run off of hydro electrical methods, cant do that the Salmon would not be able to spawn. Every idea present to the AGW crowd get shot down because it doesn't make us give up nothing, That sir is clearly a means of control, Al gore hasn't gave up anything, when he is living in a tee pee and changes his name to man bear pig,  and sell all his assets to offset world hunger then i might be willing to make a small sacrifice and buy a more efficient light bulb but until then AGW is SCAM meant to redistribute wealth globally.

  15. Nothing!

  16. I'd sacrifice the world's environmentalists.  THAT would reduce the world's population a little.

  17. LOL, I'm not giving up a single thing in the name a false alarmistic crisis. It is so arrogant to think that we as humans can control global climate. It is ridiculous.  

  18. There is only 1 thing we could give up to stop global warming.. the sun.

    I know it might be selfish of me.. but I think I like it too much to give up.

  19. I would give up absolutely nothing whatsoever for something that has never been proven conclusive. Ask Al Gore what he would be prepaired to give up.

  20. I'll give up things that aggravate global warming. I'll be planting trees for it help lessen the CO2 in the atmosphere.

    for those who do not believe in global warming. Here's something for you. Just a question.

    Me: Have you seen your brain?

    You: No

    Me: Can you feel your brain?

    You: No

    Me: But you believe that you have a brain, right?

    You: hmmm...

    Me: don't be too stupid to the idea of "seeing is believing" coz later you'll fell dumb because of it.

  21. Nothing. It's a joke. I don't believe in global warming.

  22. Lol, you want us to stop having children to help stop something that is frankly, a joke.  That is funny, thanx for the laugh!

  23. Why would I give up something to stop something that's never been confirmed?

    Carbon dioxide is a trace gas that is very important to the global food web.  It is not a pollutant.  


    "Greenhouse gases do not really "trap Earth's heat" but could be fairly described as delaying the energy transfer from Earth to space. ("Trapping heat" implies that the energy is stuck in the system forever, which is a false notion.) Greenhouse gases do not emit energy in the same bandwidth in which they absorb energy and thus emissions from carbon dioxide are not absorbed by carbon dioxide."

  24. I bought a hybrid, which also saves me gas money.

  25. notta  

  26. There is no proof to the statement that there is global warming. The ice caps in the Arctic are receding while  those in Antarctica are increasing two fold. Many scientists say warming and cooling come in cycles of hundreds of years . There is no way of telling where we are  so  far as the present cycle is concerned. Al Gore proved nothing other than many will pay big bucks to embrace an unproven premise.

  27. I say we have to stop global warming now, and the main contributor to global warming in the US is gas emissions. If we the entire country (or maybe just one part of the country at a time) could stop driving for one month, and bike around  then that would make a big difference!!! I would buy everyone a bike if I could!

    I mean, is  going to work (which you don't even like) for ONE day really worth killing another YEAR  for human kind??

    Americans have so much food around I bet we could help each other live for a month without going out to buy stuff!!!! Why does the US culture have to keep us going to work each day?

    They say, no, we can't do that!!!! The economy will fail!!!

    Think about it, when there are disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires, won't that hut the economy too? worse , that could kill people.

    People in the future (and maybe even now) suffering from severe environmental disasters coulda been blaming the people cutting down forests and driving cars all day for their misfortune. Although it may not be directly related, the amount of carbon your car is producing each day is part of what is heating up the earth, killing the polar bears.

    So the next time you see something on the news like record tornados in  central america or something like that, you could help the victims so that there won't be another huge tornado season next year,  by not driving tomorrow!  

  28. Global warming has been occurring since the ice do you think all that ice melted?!  

    I'm not giving up anything, I think global warming is being blown out of proportion.  Of course the world is going to warm up gradually after the entire planet was covered with ice - it's common sense.

    I'm not giving up my aerosol hairspray, gas-fueled vehicle, or any future children I CHOOSE to have.

  29. AGW alarmists need to get out of their inefficient homes in the middle of nowhere and live in the crowded cities, stacked and packed!  Then they'll know how to really sacrifice and "leave nature alone!"  These people are scary and they talk like they're aliens that are apart from everyone else!  They sit and judge others and they feel that none of their rules applies to themselves--they're disgusting!

  30. i think that giving something up may be too drastic, but using in moderation sounds just about right. why does everyone need to own their own cars, tvs, computers, dishwashers, microwaves, fireplaces, clothing washers and dryers? because we are a nation of consumers that need entertainment and need convenience. if we could set boundreys for our needs and build stabeler lives including all these apliences we could thrive withoute damaging the planet in any way. pulp mills should be closed down aswell as other poluting things and replaced with higher technology that doesent need fuels or gasses to function.

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