
What would you guess based on these symptoms?

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Been going on for nearly a year:

diarrhea [[water-like]]

severe diaper rash [[from diarrhea]]

severe thirst/hunger " "

low Alkaline Phosphate levels

BTW - these are all in a 22 month old girl...




  1. diabetes.

  2. Celiac disease....I haven't researched it much, but that could be it. The symptoms fit. Have them run a test, ask for it specifically.

  3. You should go to the doctors and specifically ask for a test for Celiac disease. If they don't listen, go to a different doctors until you get an answer. It may be Celiac disease, it could be something totally different. But what you do know is that it's not normal, so you need to keep trying until you get an answer.

    Good luck

  4. Dehydration because she's thristy/hungry.  That would be due to diarrhea.  So either she has a flu bug, or she ate something that gave her food poison or something else.  Take her to the doctor, they will tell you whats wrong.  Dehydration is not something to play around with, especially with a young child.

  5. consult another doctor at a different clinic. Trust your instinct, if you feel something is wrong it probably is. My daughters pediatrician sent me home with my 6 mth. old daughter saying she just had a cold, later that night she stopped breathing, at the hospital they told me she had R.S.V a very horrible illness in young children. She spent a week in the hospital. I should have trusted my instinct and taken her to the E.R. Just because they are doctors doesn't mean they know it all and no one knows your child like you do.

  6. I'm not a doctor, but I have been a mom for 29 years and I am grandma to a 14 1/2 month old grandson.  I've also provided child care in my home for 20 years.  I am assuming you've had her in to her doctor.  Many things can cause diarrhea.  Allergies, medical conditions, and food issues are all common causes of extended diarrhea.  My grandson is coming off a bad bout of diarrhea for the last 12 days.  My daughter took him to the doctor and he is being temporarily limited on his consumption of milk products and fruit, two of the more problematic foods when it comes to diarrhea.  Have you tried some diet restrictions?  I typically resort to the BRAT diet when diarrhea is a problem.  Bananas, Rice(white), Applesauce, and Toast (dry, made with white bread) for a couple days usually helps to firm things up.  I am not familiar with Alkaline Phosphate levels and what they indicate so I can't address that, but diarrhea could be the cause of the severe thirst and hunger.  If everything runs through her than her body is not able to utilize the nutrients and vitamins in what she is eating and drinking thus the severe hunger and thirst reflects her body's call for the sustenance she needs to survive.  Is she ill in other ways?  Is she growing?  Have you seen any specialists, such as a Gastroenterologist?  If your doctor has not been helpful then getting a second opinion and asking for a consultation with a specialist seem to be long overdue.  She's had this condition for more than 1/2 her life and it may take some diligence and insistance on your part to get to the bottom of what is causing this.

  7. I would definately get a second opinion right away.... Doesn't sound right to me and I wouldn't take no for an answer....

  8. Maybe Celiac disease, Crohn's, or a severe food allergy. I would get her checked asap!

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