
What would you have done...Baby left alone?

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Yesterday I went to Target around 6:00. When I was leaving it was raining so my soon to be step son & I ran to the car. After getting him into the car I was getting in & heard a cry. I look at the car next to me. There is a baby boy maybe 6-8 months old left alone in the car. Windows down, getting rained on.

I called 911. I read of the license plate & descriped the car to them. They asked if I stay next to the car until police arrived. Well during this the mother came out, I got in my car & told the police someone was here now. The mother had the nerve to smile at me, put her bags in the car, give the baby his bottle & smile once again & get in. I told the police what she looked like and the direction she was heading.

If I wouldnt of had my step son & been pregnant I honestly would of approached the dead beat mom. What would you have done in this situation?

I'm afraid the lady will never learn. She was lucky it was me next to her car & not some bad person.




  1. I think you did all you could do. You gave them the discription of the car and the license plate. Now it's up to them to investigate. However, if I had been there without my children, I might have told her that I had called the police and given them her license plate number.

  2. You did the right thing. the only other thing you could have done was block her car until the police arrived.

  3. The poor thing!

    I would have done the exact same thing, although I probably would have said something to her when she came out as well. That is obvious child neglect and who knows what COULD have happened.

    It's women like her that do not deserve to be parents.

  4. That poor baby!

    I would of done the same thing as you, called 911.

    Wasn't this women scared someone would have kid-napped her baby?! Or what if someone hit the car

    There is so much that could of happened, Good for you to call the police!

  5. People like her don't deserve to have kids. What an idiot.

  6. I don't even leave my dog in the car for longer than it takes to run in the gas station.  I could not imagine leaving a child in the car.  That woman is very lucky her baby was still in the car when she came back out of the store.   I probably would have done exactly what you did.  You can't be sure the woman wouldn't assult you if you had confronted her.

  7. Next time get the liscense plate, and not only call the police, but also children's services.  She lives locally, to be shopping there.  The target store may have her liscence plate on their camera shots of the parking lot.  You may still be able to have it followed up by contacting the store manager and the police, asking them to review the footage of the parking lot, and giving them a description of the car.

  8. so far at least twice i believe since ive been in australia ive seen people park their strollers outside a business while they go in and do what they have to do.. mind you the stoller still has the baby in it... i think once was in NZ, and once here in australia... i have never been so shocked in my life.. i mean seriously who does something like that.. i waited outside, a safe distance from the kids, till the mom came out.  but still... ugh, people these days

    hopefully the cops find this lady and straighten her out.. it'll be easy enough to track her when they have the license number

  9. I would have called the cops, and I would have kept her there (making small talk) until the cops arrived.  Her decision to leave her baby alone in the car was unacceptable. How could a parent be so lazy.  There are laws against child endangerment.  You did the right thing.

  10. good thing there are people like you in this world.

  11. oh my god what is wrong with people?  I think I would have done exactly what you did in this situation.  Actually it would have been my first instinct to get the baby out of the car and bring it inside out of the rain, but even bad moms have that "momma bear" instinct and will tackle anybody walking away with their baby.  So I think  what you did was very appropriate, let's hope the cops find her.  That's sick, that baby could have died, especially with the window down, somebody could have taken him, a dog could jump in the window and maul him, anything could happen.

  12. OMG that's horrible he's not a dog. I would have done the same thing ppl like that don't deserve children.

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