
What would you have done if you were a passenger on the Titanic and found out it's sinking?

by Guest66327  |  earlier

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What would you do where would you do,after all you are in the middle of nowhere and help is hours away but that is too much time to wait, would you just rather die or would you pray.

this question was posted 4-26-08




  1. I'd pray if I died please God put me in Heaven

  2. i would pray that i would be ok. then i would find the hottest guy on the ship and make him strip for me....if i knew i was gonna die. but if i was gonna live i would go and sit my happy *** in a life boat and make all my family get in w/ me and try to sneak my fiance with me.

  3. Pray

  4. I would be looking for ways to stay afloat and dry. And trying to save others too. I would never give up and wait to die.

  5. bye bye cruel world !

  6. I would fight for survival.

    A positive mental attitude is the most powerful tool in crisis situations.

    PMA's have saved my butt many times.

  7. I would start thinking about what I could use to keep me afloat, I would not just sit down and wait to die, keep thinking about ways not to die instead.

  8. i will try to see what i can do to help out the staffs there and do something about it. live or die is not a question for me as long as i have try.

  9. i would have s*x

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