
What would you have done if you were being sexually harassed by your Boss and he turned it on you?

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My Boss and I were friends for over a yr. and he apparently developed feelings for me he's married so am I. Things started changing the day he told me if he wasn't married and had a choice to be with anyone in that building that he wanted to be with me, I changed the subject after the shocked look on my face I was very uncomfortable being around him after that, things also changed after that he was always staring at me making comments that I thought where unappropriated. He was always finding ways to be touchy and done that in front of an employee that always noticed it to say something to me. I was good friends with this die-Tech on Maintenance (By the way I worked with 2 girls and all the rest were men) and we talked all the time when he would pass me going to fix a machine. My boss would see that and he'd get in my face with anger and ask me what the **ck is going on with you and -----? You know like him and I were husband and wife. My Boss did this to me for nearly 6 months. I was so scared of him I ended up on medication for my nerves then starting having passing out spells bad head aches,nausea,tremors found out I was Hypoglycemic and my stress levels didn't mix well with my blood sugar and made me worse.I finally couldn't take it anymore I snapped found his Boss started to break down to him he cut me off and was finishing telling me what was going on that he knew what my Boss has been doing to me and he called in another supervisor in and let me know that they have been trying to fix this situation for a while now and knew what had been going on my Boss had bragged on what he had been doing to me the whole time. They apologised to me and told me that there was a problem that my boss was good friends with a person way up high in the company and is safe and they think nothing would be done about it they 'v been trying to get rid of him for a while and nothings been done he has had other harassment complaints on him and he still has a job. They were worried if they got in the middle of the situation that they would lose their jobs. They didn't tell me that in those words but it was obvious.One of them told me that I needed to go see human services there at work and that they would back me up with out loosing their jobs in other words HR was already gone home for the day so I was gonna do it the next morning after I was finished with my job. I ended up getting called off my job to go to HR and realized that I wasn't there over my Boss that the girl who had witnessed a lot of the harassment going on had gone to Hr and and told her that I slapped her in the face and even had someone there to whiness it. I was in complete shock! I couldn't believe what I was hearing! My Boss knew I was at my breaking point apparently has been threw this before and knew exactly what I was going to do so he beat me to it. and needless to say he still has his job. I don't I worked my *SS off in that place, learned every job on my own, never complained, always did what I was suppose to do Never got in trouble and got along with everyone there. I liked my job and was happy there with the exception of my Boss. It wouldn't have mattered what I did I still got the screwed end of the deal. this was 8 months ago and it still bothers me till this day. I try to look back and think that it all hap pend for a reason My Husband was fixing to leave for Iraq and maybe that was the reason him being there was enough stress and all the other was just added stress. What would you have done?




  1. The best way to deal with sexual harassment is to keep a journal of incidents.  Write everything down as soon as it happens, noting the date, time, and exactly what was said and/or done, and how you responded.  If anyone else witnesses any of these events, have them sign on the incident they witnessed.  If the pattern continues over a while, that's when you lodge your formal complaint to HR and bring your documentation and witnesses with you.  And if it affects you medically, bring those records too.

    As for the girl, I wouldn't be surprised if she was somehow bullied or bribed into telling HR what she did.

  2. Thnks for sharing your story.

    PLEASE talk to an attorney.  That company did you wrong and you could sue them big time!  You should, if only to stop it from happening to anyone else.

    Good luck.

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