
What would you have done if you were in my shoes?

by  |  earlier

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What if you were a train conductor and a 30-year old something man threw a handful of change in your face and cussed at you? A week or two ago, me being a train conductor, I opened up a can of whoop-as# on him with a Stone Cold Stunner and threw his as# off the train at the next stop and my boss appreciated my letting the passengers know that they can't be unruly like that but said I can't just beat them up anymore. I felt good at first, but then I started to feel kinda bad, like I went too far. I'm thinking maybe I shoulda just grabbed him by the collar and threw him off the train. I'm thinking I went too far by getting as physcial as I did. I think I shoulda just either called for help on my walkie talkie and called the cops or just threw him off the train hard.

What would YOU have done if YOU were in my position?

Did I still do the right thing?

(And on a side note, what do you think Stone Cold or Umaga would have done in real life as real people?)




  1. Surely your rail operator has procedures in place for dealing with unruly passengers like this?

    I would have thought the way to deal with the situation would have been to radio for police assistance at the next stop, then lock the doors on arrival till the police turn up and let them deal with the offender.

    Maybe it's time you and your boss got together and discussed how to cope with this sort of thing in future.

    Here in the UK aggressive behaviour like that towards rail staff is not tolerated and anyone who assaults a rail employee is looking at arrest, a court case and possible imprisonment.

    You may have acted in self-defence, but the passenger concerned could have turned the event against you. Better to have the law on your side next time.

    Happy New Year :->

  2. You sound like a wanna be, No Conductor would treat a person like tthat and keep his job.

    Try again

  3. I would have sped the train up to as fast as they would let you go and then threw him off.

    I hate people that are a**es to conductors, flight personnel, etc.

  4. i woulda dun the same thing he dint show u any respect

  5. Dood.  Were you reprimanded?  Did you lose your job?  Are you suspended?  If not, no worries.  That @$$ got what he deserved and is lucky you didn't threw his sorry @$$ UNDER the train.  Certain things you don't do in life:

    1.  s***w another man's wife

    2.  Disrespect your mother, cuz you only have one.

    3.  Attack the pilot while the plain is in the air.

    4.  Talk sh*t to the conductor of the train.

  6. How amny times are you going to bring this up? If you're still having issues with it, you screwed up. If you're not having issues, it's OK.

    Try some Prozac.

  7. I'm not sure why this same question (or variations on it) keeps coming up all the time... but anyway, for what it's worth:

    Throwing someone off a train for bad behaviour / not paying / drunkenness etc. is ok, if done the right way (i.e not assaulting them, but asking them to leave, and if that fails leave it to the police). Your boss is right that you certainly can't 'beat people up' - if you feel the need to then you shouldn't be in a public service industry position.

    Next time call the cops, let them deal with it, they're trained for it and have the backup if it goes wrong.

    And the WWE response? They'd probably have chucked him OVER the train, jumped over after him, landed on him and broken a sachet of tomato ketchup secretly.

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