
What would you have done???

by  |  earlier

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I found this sick kitten in my neighbors yard and I wanted to keep it, but my parents said I would have to get rid of my rabbit that I had for only a month and a half. I chose the rabbit because the kitten was very skinny, anemic, ridden with fleas with possible worms.

I didn't just dump it on the street, I took it to my sisters friend house who has lots of cats.

Did I make a wise decision? What would you have done?




  1. that was a good decision but you should of atleast cleaned it with water to take some of the fleas off

  2. that was a very good decision. that way neither of them is left without a home, and the kitten is probably on it's way to recovery. you saved a young life, why wouldnt it be a wise decision?

  3. Yes, I am glad you were able to find it a home

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