
What would you have said during this bear/moose encounter?

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What would you have said to a group of little girls in the following situation?

The wife and I had 5 little girls in my crew cab truck here in Alaska, taking a drive in the mountains (ages 8 to 12) to view wildlife. We had a mother moose walking across a forest service road with her calf when a brown bear grabbed the little calf and drug it into the brush. We could see the calf struggle and hear it’s cries of distress. Momma moose wanted no part of Mr. Bear and left.

Some of the girls were city girls others country girls. Some begged me to stop the bear. I explained it was just nature in action and this is natural and I could not stop the bear from doing what was natural for him.

What would you have told them?




  1. Thats the circle of life, its tough. Show them the lion king.  

  2. The same thing, they are in nature if you weren't there it would still go on. Now they know what goes on in nature, it happens all the time. Don't risk your family's life or your own life, over what is normal in the world. These are wild animals, nature has gone on quite well with out man's involvement. Sorry but the Bear has to eat, that is life. In nature it is the survival of the fittest, to ensure breeding of healthy productive animals. Momma Moose can still have another calf next time, and she probably had calves years before that survived. It goes on all the time in nature. Some animals grow up to reproduce, and others are food for other animals, it is nature. When I was 13 years old I saw a man fall off a railing into a river and he drown, there were 20 adults around and his friends, no body could save him, water too cold and fast current, any one could of jumped in and helped but would have lost their lives as well. Don't risk your life, a bear is very powerful, and dangerous, most times it won't bother a human, but if it feels threatened or hungry you could be its' next meal, or victim.

  3. tell them thats just the way things work in the wild and even bears gotta eat. and thats why you stay the h**l away from bears!  

  4.   You handled it very well. You explained it exactly as you should have. Congratulations!

  5. " You think that's gross, you should see what a pack of wolves would have dome to it"

    Tell them that's life

    It ain't pretty, nice or fair, it's just life and for something to live something else has to die

  6. After the holy **** thats cool i would tell them to settle down or get out.

  7. First i'd forget i had little girls in the truck with me and my first response would be. "Holy s#$t that was cool" followed by taking pictures. Then the whole thats how nature works speech that you gave. It's good that they learn that nature isn't a Disney movie. Might have also added something about how now that bears cubs will be fed and won't die(regardless of whether it was male or female). To a little girl bear cub>moose calf on the cuteness meter.

  8. The only tihg I can say is thumbs up

    Jim A


    “Only PETA children are allowed to pet that bear.”

  9. some of these comments were pretty funny! i think u handled it good. natures a ***** and life aint a dysney movie the sooner they figure that out the better

  10. A few comments come to mind;

    “Gee that reminds me; I’m hungry!”


    “Hey kids, is this THE place to camp tonight or what!?”


    “Excuse me kids while have a talk to that bear with a tire iron.” :)


    “Only PETA children are allowed to pet that bear.”

    What I would really say is; “Just another reason kids NOT to wonder off from the adults out here!”

  11. Wow, isn't nature a bit**, anyone up for moose burgers (just kidding)

    I think you played the right card on this one

  12. My reaction would have been.

    GOD DA**, Did you see that???

    And i would have told the girls it was just life. And drove away.

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