
What would you like... Cricket ,Tennis or Golf ?...!!!?

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What would you like... Cricket ,Tennis or Golf ?...!!!?




  1. Golf

  2. tennis!!!!!!!!

  3. Tennis cos Cricket n Golf are boring

  4. 1)cricket



    what about you?

  5. 1) Golf,

    2) Tennis

    3) Cricket......??

  6. Tennis, then cricket and no golf

  7. Tennis.

    no golf.

    not sure about Cricket. Never tried it, but it looks sort of pansy-ish.

  8. considering this is the tennis section in yahoo.... lol Anyway id chose tennis obviously then golf, cricket.

  9. I love cricket! But since Roland Garros is so near, I would say it's definitely Tennis!

    Rock On!

  10. None of them I have no hand eye co-ordination... unless you are playing on the wii and then its tennis because golf is boring and cricket does not exist...

  11. Hi, Golf every time without a doubt..

  12. I like Tennis, but I am also a fan of Sachin Tendulkar in Cricket, the Indian batting Maestro.

  13. defo golf

  14. tennis, golf, cricket

  15. Well I love tennis! um I dont know what criket is and I hate golf . So i gues I would choose tennis!

  16. 1 - golf

    2 - cricket

  17. 1. Tennis

    2. Cricket

    Golf doesn't interest me.

  18. !!!!

    ya just tennis !

  19. tennis...because i play tennis

  20. to me golf is boring, dont go ridiculing me for it, u dont need much physical activity or stamina either, u just need some muscles

    in this order:



    no golf

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