
What would you like for your 18th birthday present if you were into art and your guitar?

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For a friend of a friend...





  1. a painting of a guitar?

  2. a big half stack

  3. What about a trip to dublin. You could organise for a group of friends to go there to celebrate your friends birthday some free trips like to the National Art Gallery or Hugh Lane Art Gallery. Kick off the night with a trip to a gig perhaps in vicor street, the village or whelans accompanied by lots of legal acohol.

    Or I'm sure there are some gigs happening in Cork that you could get tickets for.

  4. A pic of you playing your guitar

  5. either a professional or abstract picture of your guitar

    or like a new guitar that is really unique in colour, shape, size e.t.c

  6. A gutitar with a picture of anohter guitar molded into it

  7. male of female?

    how much is in the buget?

    guitar = guitar idol. LP [big old record] of a band there guitar idol is in?

    i.e. jimmy hendrix is a guitar idol

    complete with a bottle of Jack Daniels! thats a guitar players drink! [18th = alcohol]

    if there into art and music go to ur local forbidden planet shop or and get them a 3d album art wall hanging?  =]

  8. best present for any Irish 18 year old is a Garda ID card. You can then buy your booze legally for the first time.

  9. well, i would probablly get him or her painting supplies if she's into art and stuff, and then i would maybe get her some extra strings or something for her guitar

  10. a professional painting of your guitar

  11. Get an artist to pint a portrait of the birthday boy as present

  12. I am not sure of the correct name but a really expensive pluk/pick that you would play a guitar with.

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