
What would you like?

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to be the first or the last.which and why




  1. It depends on what it is. If it is in line and I am late I want to be first. If it is appointment and I don't want to get up early I want to be last. In the bible it says the last shall be first and the first shall be last. I guess that means that I should not put myself first by being selfish but I should try to put others before myself so that I can be blessed. I like to put others before myself and use common sense about it when I should.

  2. To wish any of these shows your level of evolution

  3. Hello. Depends. Usually last. I don't really know but what you can see coming you can prepare and adjust. Last in line is the first to think. Good bye.

  4. I'd like a large order of fries and a diet sasparilla, please.  Do you have any vinegar for the fries?  No?  OK, I'll just take some ketchup then.  Oh, and lotto ticket, please.

  5. Normally the last because I have a slight problem with procrastination.  The motto I live by is "Better late than never".
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