
What would you like to ask?How do i send anonymous emails?

by  |  earlier

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I got a friend who use to never cuss or talk bad about people, but lately hes been acting like a jerk. Like using "F*ck" every other word almost, hes talked behind every ones back (Even his girlfriends), hes started some new hobby of collecting knives (witch's is a bit creepy >.>)etct. And I'm wanting to email his mom to ask her if she could talk to him or something. But i don't want neither of them to know who sent the email, so im wondering if theres any mod to emails i can make to show a anonymous email?




  1. Make a new email accound at gmail. Use a username that is generic (doesn't identify your real identity).

    Go to an internet cafe or library, or somehwere that has public internet access, and send you mail from there using your new gmail account.  

  2. You cant really do that because if the name on the email is "anonymous" shes going to assume its spam and delete it without reading it. Any name that she isnt familiar with she will assume its spam even if the subject says "about your son" What you should do is send a letter through the mail so it is anonymous, if he knows your handwritting have someone you know write it for you or chicken scratch your writting. Mail it to his house addressed to his mother and no return address. Good luck  

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