
What would you like to be famous for?

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What would you like to be famous for?




  1. Hmm..either having my own reality show or starring in a movie! :)

  2. being in a band

  3. my good looks

  4. My Elf series of books.

    Anna del C.

    Author of "The Elf and the Princess"

    and "Trouble in the Elf City"

  5. That's a good question.  Hmm....  I would like to be the first man to completely understand the female mind.  Imagine just how famous any man would be if he could suddenly understand the female mind.  That would be cool.

  6. for doing it with the hottest women of hollywood especially megan fox

  7. originality, a creation of my own.

  8. Being in a band.

    Thats my dream :)

  9. I would love to be the next Santana.

  10. Being Zacky V's sister.

    Oh wait, I already am.

  11. finding the cure for cancer, authism or SIDS(sudden infant death syndrom)

    atleast i think that would really make a difference in the world.

  12. For something amazing like winning the women's vote or something to do with rights. Not for who I'm dating, like most are these days.

  13. for saving rock n roll

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