
What would you like to do different?

by  |  earlier

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If you had things your way, what would you like to have in your bedroom. Example, different color paint, type of bed or I wont say anymore. But things like that




  1. i would paint the walls some bright color instead of the "taupe" my parents splashed around the whole house. i would get a matching bedspread, tear out the carpet and have hardwood floors. i'd get a ton of movie posters for my walls and a comfy beanbag chair. and i'd somehow build a balcony with silk curtains. and of course i'd have my room NOT be in colorado.

    that's not too hard is it?

  2. double bed

  3. Well to be honest, i am allowed to do change my room and to be honest i might just do that. I can even write on my walls if i like. I'm a sketch artist (not by career but hobby) and so I'm trusted to do so lol.

    Now i have the summer free I might just get the time to do so! :o)

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