
What would you like to find in a rural pub and why?

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What would you like to find in a rural pub and why?




  1. Me, sounds like a lot more fun then sitting at work.

  2. Good food, good drinks (in a pub, whisk(e)y and ale) and nice locals to drink with.  

  3. A table for gaming,cards,dominoes,etc.

    Why?????-----to meet the locals of course!

  4. Beer, Wine, Spirits, Barman.....

  5. Real ale. Ask CAMRA why.

    And anything involving a pork pie.

  6. topless barmaids

    don't know why.

  7. an englishman, an irishman and a scotsman

  8. A nice coal fire.

  9.   A dark corner.

  10. an eccentric old farmer with a passion for taxidermy

  11. rural?  holy moly!  live chickens and cows and big red neck babes who beotch slap me if i look at them the wrong way!

    now that's rural!

    ah, the old days when we had agriculture!

    oh, and of course booze by the ton and a bartender with a 'peace maker' .... just in case you got out of hand and drank up all his revenue!

  12. A real fire, a good range of beers, and comfortable chairs.

  13. A real live roaring fire (well, in the winter anyway!).  A nice big coat stand at the door, some nice red leather chesterfield sofas or arm chairs in one area - the other area with tables and chairs.  

    A nice homely feel - warm and welcoming.  Perhaps some fresh flowers at one end of the bar.  A really good selection of real ales, and for something different perhaps also a selection of British wines (they are actually pretty good!).  

    A great home cooked menu - relatively short, everything sourced locally and ethically, and cooked fresh that day.  Nothing fancy though - steak pie, fish and chips, scampi, sausages....the usual pub grub.  Plus some great puddings - treacle sponge, sticky toffee pudding...

    Oh - and a nice beer garden for in the summer (haha).  Preferably in a nice quiet location away from any busy roads.

  14. Good local ale,Decent food.

  15. loads of money

  16. I'd like to find a big bag of cash that somebody had left behind when they were too drunk to remember it - then I'd take it home and drool over it!

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