
What would you like to say to Eddie Butler and Brian Moore?

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What would you like to say to Eddie Butler and Brian Moore?




  1. you can shove your f@ckin chariot up your ar$e .


  3. Theres some angry ppl about

    Brian moore was slating the english ( and rightly so) and he still cannot win.What do people want?

    He said many times that scotland deserved to win,so i`m abit lost as to why some of these coments have come this way.

    Eddie bultler is a traitor,why?

  4. Get Brian Moore off the box! The opinionated self righteous bull he comes out with makes me prefer the sky sports commentating team any day. Why oh why does the BBC employ such idiots when there are so many good pundits and comentators around.

  5. Bollocks springs to mind

    eddie butler is a traitor I say give him english citizenship and good riddance

  6. Brian moore isn't biased,

    he's just entertaining in his over enthusiastic rants.

    Yeah, they should make Butler a special edition English passport.

    Neil P,

    Eddie Butler's actually Welsh!

    But thinks he's English

  7. Thank God for the volume switch.Brian moore sounds as though he has had ten pints and no brain,he says things without thinking which seems to come to him very easily.Butler,"I hates you Butler" and your not French so shut up.

  8. Stop giving each other handjobs in the studio and do your ******* jobs!

  9. Agree with Tenko. Brian Moore can't hardly talk anyway. He was a nasty dirty bastad on the pitch, and he's continued it into his career as a 'pundit' (pundit in huge inverted commas)

  10. I have always been a fan of Eddie Butler...until recently.

    Maybe, if I really wanted to defend him I could say that when he called JW "the one and only", he was just being sarcastic!

    Sadly...he wasn't...he's forgotten where he came from and that is very sad indeed.  

    As for Brian Moore, I'm not going there apart from saying that just because your team had done poorly so far doesn't give you the right to complain about the SRU wanting to make the day a special with some pre-match spectacle.

  11. Legendsss .. You say it ow it is lads.

    Keep up the good work of winding the Sheep Shaggers n Jock c***s up.  =]

  12. "Please get off my TV and Radio" ! ! !

  13. Feck you @rseholes!

  14. I wouldn't know where to start........the two of them are such big Johnny Wilkinson fans, you would swear he was the only player on the field at times............but must admit, they do make me laugh sometimes when they s***w up, which is very often!

    Maybe the bosses at the BBC need to have a word in their ear or give them their P45's!

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