
What would you like to see in a film?? What would get you excited, inspired, and everything in between??

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The reason I'm asking is because i really love Media and Directing, and i also enjoy writing. Lately I've been trying really hard to think of a great story for which i can write a screenplay then i thought to myself, i should put this question out there and maybe use it as a guideline. Thanks and i hope to read some great responses.




  1. People taking risks....risks in relationships, business risks, traveling risks....pushing themselves to the edge...really, truly living like there's no tomorrow!

  2. The most important thing in a film are good convincing actors who are given a good story. I mean a GOOD STORY! I watched 'The Matrix' and I thought "What a load of utter c**p!" It was senseless and utterly stupid in spite of the money thrown at it and the special effects. If you want to see what can be done with minimum money or actors, watch "Psycho" Particularly the lead up to the murder. You identify yourself with the girl, and her murder is shocking and utterly unexpected. You have to have characters that you feel something for, someone you care about, not cardboard cut outs. The story has to be logical, even when it is sci-fi. Don't just whip out some impossible gadget to get the hero out of a hole. "The Terminator" to my mind was the best sci-fi film of all time, and yet apart from the cyborg and the opening scenes it was all set present day without any death rays and blasters. "Terminator 2" was fun but not nearly so convincing, and "T3" is best forgotten.

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