
What would you like to see in a mural? its going to be in a dentist clinic's waiting room (details inside)

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alright, so im just looking for input from eeeveryone.

you can say what you want to feel when you look at it, if you have any specific ideas, broad.. even just words that you like lol any idea thats in your head is probably in there for a reason, so just write it down. :]

the mural will be in a waiting room of a free dental clinic. the clinic serves poverty level people. and unlike other clinics, theres no waiting list. (its pretty much a first come first serve basis, but it depends on the condition as well.) so the patients spend a good amount of time in the waiting room. 5 other teens and i are working together to plan and paint a mural in there for them, with the help of a professional artist.

if you need any more info, let me know.

and thanks.

ps, it doesnt have to do with teeth :]





  2. A lot of kids will be there I bet. You should make a mural that fades into different climates. Go from jungle to the ocean to the desert to the savannah. Put lots of things of interest in the mural - little animals hiding all over the place - stuff for people to notice and find.

  3. A rainbow with people holding hands (thats sounds kinda corny)

    or something with people helping each other

  4. how about getting the whole community involved.if you got all the local children to help design the mural,say something like all there hand prints with their names written on them, then maybe not only would it take peoples mind off being in the dentist as most people probably don't like being there,as they are looking for known names, but also it might bring the children in, and if you could get them into the routine of visiting the dentist and healthier teeth and gums then this might help in years to come.

  5. make sure the people in it are happy

    it's kinda hard to remove the impression of fear when in a dentist's place


  6. I think you should do something nature like maybe a mountain theme that always makes me fell comtorble and like I want to be there.

  7. You should make it something really bright and fun because no one wants to look at something depressing in a dentists office. You should throw random little messages like lol or omg on it. Hope this helped :)

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