
What would you like to see in a restaurant...?

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I am starting the planning process for a restaurant in the future (including a bar, not sure yet), I would like to know what the customer would like to see. I want to base this one what the customer wants and needs and not just what brings in money. Would you like a more family oriented restaurant, more adult oriented? What kind of entertainment would you like to see? A more diverse menu or a simple menu? Anything that you think would make it the ultimate experience for you please help me?




  1. nice food good service and comeftable atmosfer!

  2. A place with soundproof walls so you don't have to hear screaming children.

  3. Hey this is a great question.  Now I know your goal is to make money too and I'm not sure where you are but, I'm in my early 30's but I like the old fashion entertainment style restaurants.  Like the Latin quarter.  You might want to research some of the premier restaurants that were stars back in the day so to speak.  I have always liked places where the tables aren't so close and everyone is up in your business.  And some private tables. Of course I'm thinking adults and not kid friendly and by that I mean under 10 years of age.  Sometime its nice to go out where there are no screaming babies and loud kids.  Just  out with the girls or a date with your wife or girl friend or the boys.

  4. OK, for me  I would like a nice atmosphere- not something with a playplace, but something my 5 year old borther to my 80 year old grandma can enjoy. ( if you are inclined you could have an adult section  attahed but closed off to the main restaurant.- but no play place  to loud) I would like to have a simpler menu- as long as the food is great- it dosnt need to be something exotic- just a plate of wondeful tasting spagetti or a burger:) For entertainmet in the main section- id say atmosher as the entertainment- maybe fountains, indoor trees, cool unifrorms ect. maybe some off beat quite music. for the adult section- well you can use ur imaganation;). Just great food, service would make everyone happy, cool atmosphere will make it a place to remember :)

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