
What would you like to see in a yellow page directory?

by  |  earlier

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I am the Sales and Marketing Coordinator for my company and have been put in charge of finding ways to improve usage of our directory. What would you personally like to see in a yellow page book that would make it more useful to you. Even if it's something you think you'd never see....I'd like to know.

Thank you for the help!




  1. in my opnião you should to place in the Yellow Pages about  diveric, the parks of diversions, and places to go in the weekend

  2. I do not envy your task, because people rarely use the yellow pages as they used to do. I still use them because they are handier than turning on the computer each time I want to look up a business that is listed, but you have to drive business there and that usually means doing things like your local newspaper will do: give money saving coupons inside.

    The type should be larger in many big city publications, too, for if it is too small, people will not want to use it.

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