
What would you like to see most this political year?As for"don't vote" I would like to see an end of liberals!

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What would you like to see most this political year?As for"don't vote" I would like to see an end of liberals!




  1. Death to the Libs.

  2. Man, thats never gonna happen.

    Dont worry, we will have a Marxist county soon enough.

    And, like Michelle Obama said the other day, it will be hard, but things will change, like CONVERSATIONS.

    So, not only will they tax us to death, and charge us with a crime if we dont pay for ours and theirs health, but they will brain wash us too.

  3. id like to see the end of conservatives

  4. americans to get a brain about democracy and to stop being so ignorant about the canadites and grow up.

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