
What would you like to see on a makeup website?

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What would you guys like to see on a makeup blog? I have one and it's brand new and I need a few good ideas on what to put on it. Here's how it looks now:




  1. You really do need to jazz up your page. Don't be afraid to be creative. Also have before and after pictures of make up applications.

  2. i congratulate and applaud u 4 ur efforts. i think u have sum good ideas, but i agree with the respondent b4 me, make it a lil more interesting. as far as the layout, i like the skin recipes and the advice column. but post sum fun,bright pics of models or even just the make up itself to make it more appealing and so that immediately u know ur on a make up blog. good luck!

  3. Your website is nicely organized and you're on the right track, you have good ideas that people will like to read about if they're browsing.

    However, (this is the part where I offer constructive criticism), I will make it clear and simple: It looks boring.

    Let me say first that I am not trying to be mean, you asked for an opinion and I am being honest because that's what it takes for your website to succeed.

    Makeup is all about a fresh face, and bright colours in most cases. Good makeup sites stick to the neutral colours, but incorporate the modern splash of colour. People won't read a website about looking good if the website doesn't.

    I would suggest changing the layout (I'm not really familiar with the blogspot thing, but I'm sure there are tutorials if you google it) and add pictures of makeup. Maybe use photoshop to make some stuff, like "COLORSMASH: tagline." and by tagline I mean something like "where color makes up your make-up"..just pulled something random. And then pictures as backgrounds, like a big lipstick, or nail polish, or a pot of eyeshadow. Your website is too much text, not enough picture. Maybe if you're talking about Burt's Bees, post a picture of it, and then list the price and maybe where you could find it. When there is too much text and no visual, nothing 'pops', and it just overwhelms the reader and it looks like there's sooo much to read and no one wants to go through it. People only want to read stuff that is interesting to them, and no one can post info that everyone will want to read (some will want to read about lipstick, some about eyeshadows, etc) so you need subtitles or something so people can read what they want to and not go through everything else.

    People want to see reviews as well, when you buy a product then list groups and give your rating.

    You also list your opinion, like "middle schoolers should not wear makeup." Who is your target audience? Middle schoolers, sure. But most who read it will already be set on whether they want to wear it or not. But, it is a good discussion point, so just remember who you're talking to and what you're trying to say. Also, you should do a question and answer column for makeup too (kinda like Yahoo! Answers) so people can post in what they want you to answer. It makes your job easier, and their interest deeper.

    People love to see videos as well. If you want your blog to be better known, I would suggest posting a video on YouTube with some reviews or makeup tutorials (maybe how to make those masks) and then direct people to go to your blog for more info.


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