
What would you like to see the huge oil surplus being spent on?

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education, health care, muttwa reforms?




  1. What oil surplus? I think spending more on education would be good. The war in Iraq has lead to cuts in the education budget.

  2. It is never a waste to spend money on education.;-)

    However, I love to buy more shoes and bags that go with it. Love to shop until I drop;-p

  3. honestly, just to implement the plans and big projects that are being planned, that was very well planning

    now, it is the time for implementation

    some examples of the plans:

    - i think around 3 billion dollars to change the education structure (not to build new schools, that is different budget) just to enhance the level of education. yesterday, there were a news that it will start a pilot test in riyadh for the first part of this project in secondary schools in cooperation with malaysian company.

    - the big logistic city and hub in Tabouk northern of Saudi Arabia

    - the big converting industries cities in south of Saudi Arabia (Jizan)

    - the railways (this is going on now)

    - new airport in jeddah (started, but seems slow)

    i think the only missing part of the plan is major improvement on medical infra structures ..

    i will be very happy to implement these plans

    what is interesting, that those plans will spread the population out of the 3 big cities. so there will be smaller cities, all advanced and people there are more educated. so cities like Tabouk, Jizan, Rabegh will all become as modern and people there as educated as Khobar.

  4. Education, education, education! and a much better public transport system.

  5. education

    water/sewer and electricity infrastructure


    I have seen healthcare and muttawa reforms already, at least in the eastern area...

    edit:.. also there needs to be some sort of recreation for the youth... when the young men (bachelors) are kept from most places that only families can go, what do they expect the young men to do?.. so these poor bored men just drive up and down the main streets harrassing people cause they are bored out of their geezers... They need more to keep the men occupied.. libaries, bowling alleys, indoor basketball, racketball, tennis courts (public free).. just stuff for them..

    and they also need to allow more young men to get the easy jobs to allow them to work.. Not all men can go get degrees at universities and be managers... They also dont prepare the youth for the outside world.. Our youth is very niave street wise... The schools dont teach socialization, simple banking, simple things like how to manage checking accounts, go out and deal with banks, bills, opening bank accounts, how to deal with governmental offices, etc.. no social skills are taught...

  6. is better spent on by ranking below;

    1. Free Education up to College for all

    2. Free Health Care including dependents

    3. Road and Highway infrastructures

    4. Improvement of Water Supply system

    5. Installation of Drainage & Sewerage System

    6. Security to maintain Peace and Order

    7. Recreation (additional Malls, Parks, etc to compensate growing population)

    8. Personal Loans with zero interest

    9. Double the salaries of the employees to compensate escalation of prices of goods

    10. Free transport by land or air in the kingdom

  7. to freakin have places here to go or to visit


  8. I think some of the money should be spent on improving the rail system here. Buy some high speed trains from Japan or France. And I think they should build some Cinemas here. Maybe have a womens section, a mens section, and a family section.

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