
What would you like to tell the non smoker person?

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What would you like to tell the non smoker person?




  1. Keep it that way.  

    I puffed on a cigarette in 1979 and had a sore throat for at least four days.  I never tried it again.  Think what underlying things they do to all of the systems of the body?  It would take years to learn what it did to your body.  

    We have enough problems without deliberately asking for more.

    Good health is a precious gift that God has given us.  Treat it with kindness.  

    It's too late to say later on; "Why didn't I listen?"

  2. Sorry for my total lack of regard for your health when I'm chain smoking after a night of drinking!

  3. About what??  Your question doesn't make sense.  If you're refering to your rights as a smoker, then please say so.  I'm a non smoker, so I'm curious to know what you mean.

  4. HOW VERY SMART YOU ARE!  I smoked for 32 years, quit 17 years ago but the damage was done.  I am now on oxygen 24/7 with COPD - emphysema & severe asthma.  The local paramedics are my best buds.  When I quit smoking, Winstons were $1.49 a pack, generics were .99 cents a pack.  I cannot imagine paying $4.50+ for a pack of smokes!

  5. they are doin' the best for themeselves, "no smoking!"

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