
What would you like your kids to do for you?

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Hi, I'm 17 and I know my Mum's not feeling her best. It's 3:20pm and I want to do something for her, for when she arrives back from work at 5:30pm. I'm already in the process of cleaning out the house, what would you like your daughter to do for you? I need ideas, lol thank you




  1. I would LOVE my daughter to clean my house for me!!! Shes only 3 so i may have to wait a few! i think she would like a little hand-written letter telling her how much you love her and how much you appreciate her. Starting/making dinner may be nice too, but she will most likely be thrilled with a clean house and a great daughter like you!

  2. Light some candles to make the house smell nice too (unless she has a headache because scents can make it worse).  Make dinner.  Even it is something simple it is one less thing that she has to do.  Also a nice hot bath is always nice too.  You are such a sweet daughter to want to do something for your mom!

  3. maybe start dinner but honestly the thing that would make my day would be a nice letter waiting for me on the table maybe a poem about mothers or a letter saying how much you appreciate her. That would mean more than any amount of cleaning you can do...although I would still do the cleaning because that's a huge help ;)

  4. If I came home from work to clean house that smelled nice (candles lit) there is nothing else I would want!   You're a good daughter!!!!!!

  5. You are a great daughter.! Just the fact that you asked this question would mean a lot to your mother  - show this to her.

    What I like most is when my kids sit down and talk to me about what's going on in their lives.  It doesn't have to be anything dramatic.  Some little thing that happened today, their opinion about something they heard or read, what they want to do next week or next year... it doesn't matter.  Just being together means so much to the parent of a teen.  

    Enjoy your evening with her. She will not forget it - I guarantee!

  6. cleaning up and tidying around.  

  7. well coming home to the house picked up would be enough for me, and then maybe having your help in the kitchen cooking dinner, that way we could talk and spend some time together, because i know when i was a teen i didnt spend a lot of time talking and stuff with my mom. and im sure she would enjoy that,

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