
What would you look for in a childcare provider?

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I am a SAHM and I am offering my home to parents. I am certified in First Aid and Cpr but, I would like to know what characteristics youd look for in a provider. Even though I am not certified yet, I want to be the most sought after provider in my area. Any suggestions?




  1. Your home needs to be clean and orderly and include a variety of toys and equipment for the aegroup you work with. Greet parents with a smile and greet the children with a smile as well (sounds simple, but a first impression is important). Have a good parent contract that spells out the hours of operation, fees, sickness policies etc, This way there will be no misunderstandings. Show the parents your daily schedule and explain that the children will be learning during each part of the day. Parents are very nervous about leaving their child and you can reassure them that you have an open-door policy where they are free to drop in at any time, or to call you to see how their child is doing. This is most reassuring because it lets parents know that you have nothing to hide. If you have any traing certificates, display them so parents can see that you take your job seriously. And remember, smile, smile, smile.

  2. - nice

    - supportive

    - a nice environment

    - able to communicate well with kids

    - observant in things little kids do

    - accepts wrongdoings from little kids

    - warm

    - smiles

    - shares interests with little kids .e.g. watch teletubbies with them

    - provides fun for kids. e.g. games

    - doesnt say anything negative about kids, when they are angry

    - good temper

    - uggghh. I know this is crazy but 'smells nice' coz I know some kids complain of some smells of adults

    - brings nice food

    - able to resolve conflicts that kids have

  3. I want a daycare provider to be warm, inviting, energetic, honnest, playful and trustworthy. In a childcare provider's program, I am looking for interesting activities (such as cooking, art, playgroups), healthy meals and snacks, fun outings, limited tv time and lots of play.  In the childcare provider's home or daycare, I'm looking for a VERY neat place, lots of toys, a quiet place to sleep with one child per room (if at all possible), a babyproof/safe area and lots of room to run around inside and outside.

  4. my mum is the most 'popular' carer in her scheme. i guess you've just got to have a good relationship with the parents aswell as the kids and when the parents see that you truly love their kids and care for them because of this aswell as the money they'd be happy. my mum loves all her childcare kids very much and the parents really see this and thats the most important reason why they're happy. also you've got to have a good and safe environment  where the kids will play and they've got to see that your organised so you should have a daily plan with a one or two week cycle. keep the environment interesting for the children by putting new toys and activities out every two weeks. hope this helped =]

  5. You have a lot of great answers that I agree with.

    * caring/loving

    * happy to see the children AND parents

    * willingness to be flexible

    * involving the parents in anyway possible

    * considering parent suggestions

    * clean and organized play area where toys are rotated to keep interest.

    * obvious that you plan and follow through

    * obvious that you feel you are a professional and TEACHER!

    * individualization is noticiable.

    * you continue your education by taking trainings and such (after hours/on weekends)

    * honesty

    * healthy meals-fresh fruits/veggies

    The biggest draw for me is that I actually's planned out in general and there is individualization for each child...depending on age/development.  I also take the attitude that if there is a behavior problem with the children...I first look at the environment and myself ...because almost always it can be handled with a few changes on my part.

    Good luck!

  6. That's hard to say. I use to be a preschool teacher in a day care setting and parents pretty much were looking for the same thing. They want to feel the "warm and fuzzy" feeling when they walk in the dor and meet you. Invite them to have their child come along so that they can see how well you and their child interact.

    Have a portfolio of all the classes and other things (such as pictures, "thank you" cards from past children you have taken care of, your resume) for the parents to look at.

    How does you home look? Do you have a bulletin board that shows all the different things that you are planning to do with the children such as "Friday is bring your teddy bear to school day!" And show all the different activites that you have planned to do for that day.

    Give the parents the idea of what you are all about and follow through with it. Show them that, just because they are bringing their child to your home, doesn't mean that you are just going to put them in front of the TV.

    Good luck!

  7. Being a good childcare provider comes straight from the heart, It's nothing you can learn or pick up from some one else. My best advise would be to treat the children as if they were your own and always understand that they are little people with undeveloped minds so you should expect mistakes and be ready to dish out a lot of love. You will not just be the daycare provider but you will take on the role as mom while she's not there. If you have a love for children and are commited to taking care of, respecting, understanding, and loving them then you are partially ready for the job. You always want to stay and look professional at all times when your business is open because remember it's not just your home any more it's your business. Have all your policies and procedures, along with all certificates of training visible. And my dear friend always remember that children are the future and what they become depends on how they are raised. If the parents are not sure of you at first I can sure promise you, while speaking from experience that the children will let them know what type of person you are and believe me you will have a prominent successful business if you love, respect, honor, appreciate, and devote your time to the children while they are in your care. With that being said you will be the best, sought out childcare in your area, because when you show professionalism and love those parents will refer you to everyone they know and don't know.

  8. I would want to be able to trust you whole heartedly.  I think it would be pretty scary to take my children to a babysitter with them not being able to talk well yet.  I would want you to be totally honest with me about everything that happened that day.  I wouldn't want you to have too many kids to watch because I would be afraid you wouldn't notice little things that might happen to my kids meaning other kids bullying etc.  I would want you to treat my kids like your own teaching them and playing with them and not just watching them.  I would think having cameras around the house would be useful incase someone accused you of something, then you would have proof.  I personally think being a childcare provider is one of the hardest things you could do.  I think it takes a really special PATIENT person to be able to care for other people's children.  Good luck!!

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