
What would you make on an average working as a waiter?

by Guest61813  |  earlier

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im thinking about doing a waiter job. with your tips and everything what would you average making every 2 weeks cash wise.. working at like a THI Fridays or an applebees? those type of restraunts...THANKS im looking to get me through college. im going to a community college and would like to live on my own!! well with my gf.




  1. It totally varies on how busy your restaurant is. I've worked places where I'd average $30-40 a night (yikes!), and other places where making less than $100 is a bad evening. It's definitely one thing to ask during your interview, so you can have an idea on your average tips. Keep in mind, at a chain place you'll probably always be making around $2-4/hr, so you really do live off tips. Anyway, best of luck and I hope you find a great place!! :)

  2. as a waiter all ur salery is really just on tips and the rest is minimal

  3. It would vary depending on your customers and how busy/dead it is. There would be some days that you could average (with your wage included) $10-12 an hour. There will be some days where you will average about $20 an hour. All together I will say on average it will probably be about $15 an hour after you tip out.  

  4. its all tips

  5. 1. neatness

    2.good service mind

    3.forget the home problens in duty

    4.good comunicate mind service

    5.what the costmer want you no that(before he ask)

    many  more things like this

  6. i make about 35 dollars average a day on tips.. i only work 4 hrs a day tho and its a steak house..some days r really good tho and others really bad.. it really depends on the day and the people.. honestly i wouldnt reccomend it especially if ur trying to move out with your gf.. it could take some time.. good luck!

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