He Still Loves You!
The L-rd Loves us from before we ever came to be,
from the time we were conceived.
While we grow up and took our bumps
When we rebelled and went our own way
We have returned to him and he still loves us.
Yeshua never rebelled, and yet took bumps and bruises and mocking and slapping
with out deserving any of them, We as mankind did this to him our Savior and Yet
he still Loves and continues to Love us. How much more we should Love our fellow man
be it our friends mates or enemies, regardless of the hurt or pain they may cause us.
It is un comprehendable to me that one can turn on to another human being as one does over
minor offenses, when look at the the offenses mankind has made against our L-rd and he
still Loves us.
He was perfect , humble and Loving at all times
follow him, he is your example and savior, and the one you save might not only be yourself but
some one who is watching you, be it your friend, or mate.