
What would you need to know about someone before you had s*x with them on Craig's list?

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I just think that there are certain things you should know about someone you meet on craigs list before you have s*x with them but I dunno what those things are PLEASE HELP ME!




  1. I would not want to have s*x with anyone on craigs list! I need to be invovled with that person first! Be careful out there!

  2. You should probably know there test results. STDs and such. However, personally i wouldn't get involved with a guy from craigslist. They're like the neighborhood bike, everybody has had a go.

  3. Impression of Craig's List is people just looking for a hook-up.  So, how many people have they been with sexually?  Think about that.  Why not seek friendships and/or a dating relationship?  You may fair better on the personals.  If you are looking for casual s*x, you may profit from the two of you going for a test.  In West Hollywood, they have mobile vans parked on the street for quick testing on weekends.  Don't just take his word if he says he is negative.  Ask for papers.  Don't do anything risky like anal s*x without a condom.  Still you risk other STD's even if you avoid this such as herpes.  The key is getting to know people and avoiding casual s*x.  It ultimately doesn't satisfy but may only leave you feeling empty.  Go higher in your aspirations.

  4. If they have AIDS or have a big boy friend that mite hurt you or something like that you do need to know what you are doing with some one like that right.

  5. if they have STDs

    but dont do that, thats gross

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