
What would you put in a tropical 10 gallon tank?

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What would you put in a tropical 10 gallon tank?




  1. 10 gallons are difficult to stock because they are so small. Read this


    I would personally go for a planted tank with sand substrate, 5 corydoras habrosus and a male/female pair of Honey Gouramis maybe.

  2. tropical fish! :) tehe and octapus' and mini sharks if you have the money for them :D

  3. Tropical fish like danios, tetras, guppies, etc. Remember, the rule of thumb is 1 inch per gallon. So the most you would be able to put into that 10 gallon tank is 10 fish. Also, most tropical fish are schooling fish so they need to be in groups of at least 5-6. Anyway, play around with the combinations of fish and enjoy!

  4. How About 2 tropical 5 gallon hats?

    General rule of thumb is 1 inch fish per gallon of water, Keep in mind that what you put in theis tank such as gravle gocks and such take space/displace water so if you do something such as build rock caves (I did ) then this takes space from the water.

    The reason I'mmentioning this is because the less water the less oxygen and this will cause stress in your fish

    I'd start off with nothing for  6 weeks.  you need a bacteria presence to help break down the fish waste.  theis will sound dumb but  If you know someone who has a tank setup, that is not having any issues ask to "Borow" the filter media.  This has a bacteria presence  and will jump start your tank.  after you get a bacteria  groath then get some ardy cheep fish

    Doyou want to go live breaders or egg layers?

    I have not had too much luck mixing the two.

    Guppies are cheep and Hardy,  start with 1 or 2 but not more than that because you will need to break in tank  this takes about anopther 6 weeks.  

    After a while when yo uget your tank gealy goong, if you have live breaders you dont have to buy fish becasue every 4 weeks or so you have a female who looks like she is gona POP.  If you time it right you can put her in a plastic breader, then after she has teh fry (Babies) remove her and you will have about 40 per birth.  They will eat there young...

    one good  site to help is

    after that  

  5. Fish :P

    I have a tropical tank, neon tetras are very cheap and look beautiful.

    Some sort of plecostamus is always good, they live for ages and they clean your tank and grow to about 30cm when healthy.

    I had some glass catfish before, they are seethrough, but died quickly.

    Pakistani loaches live for a long time, but they eat baby fish :(

  6. Well I would put 5 neon tetras and 5 red minor tetras

  7. Well, you can't put many in a 10 gallon tank. Your options are to stay with docile fish or go with fish that are slightly more aggressive.  Whatever you do, keep in mind that goldfish are DIRTY and that is not the best choice for that size of tank.

    I would prolly go the docile direction and stick with mollies, guppies, tetras. They are colorful, pretty and diverse.

    Good luck!

  8. two blue gouramis would do well. they did great in my mom's ten gallon but she kept three.

  9. Guppies!  Mostly because I have so many of them and I get more new fry every day.  :p  Seriously though, they do fit well into 10 gallon tanks.  So do mollies and platies and cories and tetras.  Still, if I had another 10 gallon I'd use it for more guppy fry.

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