
What would you?

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do if one day, a new law came out, compelling everyone to be chipped, to prove who you are and the chip had every bit of your priviate information, includind bank details, date of birth, N I numbers, as a way of findind assilum seekers, and people sneaking in and out of the country, would you go with the idea, blue




  1. As long as it where secure and only law enforcement knew just your typical identity information, not such a bad idea.

  2. NO, I would run for the hills and hide!!!

  3. As long as they don't give yah a pin too..people will be out swipin their cards thru their cracks thinkin money was about to appear! lol

  4. No way it would ever be implanted in me ever

  5. Not even on pain of death!

  6. I would run run while shouting what what

  7. We are all becoming numbers every day. I would really hate to think could happen but ----

  8. I personally wouldn't agree with it,  but I could see where they're coming from. Theoretically speaking ofcourse.

  9. Well no I would not like that at all. It is a form of like being on display for just anyone to see. This is supposed to be a free country and if that happens then it will not be a free country anymore. Which it doesn't seen to be a free country anymore. I guess only for rapist and child molesters only. I guess I would want to move to a deserted island where there wouldn't be a whole country to bother me. It just is not a good thing to force on anyone. Plus our true Father is against it. If we done that we would be going against our maker. And it would be taking away our right to choose between Heaven And the other place. And we would be forced to go to the bad place. And that just is not right.

  10. i would disappear.  i'm a witch, i can pull it off.

  11. our country unfortunately  is already ruined as it is so i rekon anything like that is too late anyway

  12. I guess we are all lambs to the slaughter so to speak so it will happen eventually anyway so let it be so

  13. I don't feel i have to but i would encourage it for s*x offenders!!!

  14. I would cut it out myself if forced and would encourage others to do the same, it's all about government control and this is one game that I'm not playing

  15. That is the plan of the US Government....No I would never have a computer chip inserted in me.

  16. Start a revolution

  17. no i would not as i think that is going beyond our freedom also with all this data going missing any one could use this to their own ends my father fought for my freedom in ww2 and in the war things was not nice being a child, the young want to learn more about what my parents fought for and what we went with out

  18. i would tell them to try if they dare

  19. i would refuse to allow it. the book of revelations speaks strongly against this.

  20. The chip is already there in the Biometric Passport I just got from the British Embassy. It transmits everything about your facial features via a chip inbuilt into the passport page.

  21. God doesn't need a chip to know everything about me, but if people wanted to do that to me, I would fight to the death.  

    What's funny is that we wouldn't have to fight, they would just set things up in a way where we would just starve or die of sickness.  A revolution would be futile, but I would rather die than lose all my freedom.  In fact, having a S.S.# is already a loss of freedom in my eyes.

  22. chip 2 prove who i was yes, including bank

  23. no but i guarentee that will most probably become a reality in 50 or so years time

  24. we chip dogs and cats with a number - i dont see why this cant be happening to ourselves in the not so distant future! although i doubt they will put bank details on, or people will be cutting others open to steal their details!!!

  25. no i would not go for it , if it becomes law for identity cards i will not be going for one because i do not need / want it

  26. For the Christian - not gonna happen.

    This has been predicted in Revelations and is considered to be a form of the "mark of the beast".

    Yer gonna have to lock up a lotta Jesus freaks.

  27. What compromises have you made already?  One more wont make much difference.  It won't start here .....maybe in India or China where there aren't many evangelical Christians.  It won't seem so threatening and a lot more convenient.

    Thirty years ago swiping a card to get a cup of coffee would be very scary.  Just go to Starbucks and you will see what the future holds.  


  28. It's not Idea baby,it's coming very soon,in one id card,your all information,like,your medical history,your credit cards,your life history etc.

  29. My daughter was talking about this the other day, about babies being chipped at birth, so they will never go missing, parents would be able to keep track of them, then at 18, they get removed, I think it sounds like a good idea, but it is the next step towards the end of times. And it will be bought in, i have no doubt about it, those who refuse, will not be able to buy, sell, or travel.

  30. I would want to emigrate

  31. no,cause its no one business ,its my business**
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