
What would you rate C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia Series?

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What would you rate EACH of the books in this series on a scale of 1-5?

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

The Silver Chair

The Horse and His Boy

The Magician's Nephew

The Last Battle




  1. Good


    Quite Good



    Quite Good!


    The Last Battle had the whole Christian thing really shoving-into-face with it.  My favorite, I think, is "The Magician's Nephew."

  2. OK HERE WE GO...SORRY IF i dont elaborate!

    -6 ( you have to pay close attention, and some people just arent as open minded as to understand the whole thing)


    -5 (ehhhhhh)




    -10  ( i give it that because i love the ending, they are dead except the sister, but there better off than her....just WOW)

  3. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: 5, it had all the Kids in it and justs explains how Narnia is

    Prince Caspian: 4, It was good!

    The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: 5, This one was my favorite, it was cool about all the places they went and saw.

    The Silver Chair: 3, I don't really remember what exactly happened but it helped lead into the last book!

    The Horse and His boy: 3, It kind of doesn't go with the whole series, but had pretty vital information in it

    The Magician's Nephew: 5, Gives you a lot of information to explain books!

    The Last Battle: 5 it was really really good! but sad at the end but I guess everyone had a happy ending

    I loved that series :)

  4. i read the begining of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, and i couldn't finish it.... so like 1

    then, (i didn't read then in order), Magician's Nephew and that one was good.  4

    then i read Prince Caspian, but i didn't like that either give it a 2

    Then i read Horse and His Boy, REALLy did not like that, 1

    I just kept reading hoping they would be as good as the Magician's Nephew, but they weren't

  5. 5







    I love that series I read it this summer in like 4 weeks!

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