
What would you rate yourself?

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In giving counsel or advice to others, where are you on a 1 to 10 scale?

(Or, you don't give advice at all.)




  1. I am not so good in giving advice to others as I tend to give advice  based on my own map of the world, but as other people are very different to me, for them this might be wrong.  

    But people come to me for advice and lots of them. The great surprise is if people realize that they only can help themselves and I can share my opinion, but they need to make their own decisions, or need to do the work.

    I am good at teaching others self help tools. So if they talk about their problems to me, I am better in guiding them to find their own answers, then telling them what I think about it. I seem to have an almost clairvoyant type of sense where people are and what blocks them and I use this inner knowing to bring out in them what is and what they want instead and then guide them to solutions.

    But ask me a personal opinion and I use too much of my own stuff.

    I am good at supporting people to find their own answers. In this I would rate myself as excellent and I use this approach when dealing with people also professionally.  

    But in terms of advice giving I would give myself a 4. (Okay if they ask me how to cook a favorite dish, I cooked myself often, I would be a 10)

    On yahoo questions and answers what I give as answers, I perceive as telling others my opinion, and sometimes this might be what can inspire them or not. But I realize everybody is different and what might be right for me, might be wrong for somebody else.

  2. If God would give us the gift to see us as others see us. I am eternal spirit souls that does not die when the body dies. But I wish I realised in fully. I am insignificant. Just another soul wandering round this world. Not at all important. Where is the loss to the world when a beggar dies? What does it matter how I rate myself? would it be true? would it be just big false ego? What would it matter at all to anyone else? Who am I? just another one little insignificant soul out of countless other insignificant souls. What does te ratings really mean to anyone? Take care. GOURANGA GOURANGA GOURANGA

  3. Its not a question of giving advice, but more a sharing of thoughts and individual experience.As to rating performance, surely this is for others to do.It is not possible in this medium to tell whether or not you have been helpful or unhelpful.If this process of question and answer has any value at all it is at best a sign post which may point the way to increased understanding or at worst a self indulgence.

  4. Hello. I would give myself an 8. When I give any of my friends advice I take into account the repercussions and outcomes of anything I say. I also try not to make the conversation one sided if I think they are looking for advice in the things I say. Over time several people have also said I should be a psychologist. I am also studying to be one currently. Good bye.

  5. It's human nature to give out advice unasked. We all like to do that. However, it would be difficult to measure it properly.

    You might be bubbling over with good advice all the time but it is quite another matter if anyone is going to listen to it and act on it, true? I'd say you can only judge the results of your efforts if it makes a difference in other people's lives. "Then" I could properly rate my efforts.

    As it is now I'd rate myself somewhere between 8 and 9, sort of. No guarantee that it's correct. --   ;- )


  6. Nobody can give a 10 because no one is perfect. I would give myself a 6 or 7. When my friends are in need of help I help them but if I don't know the person I don't give a s**t. Also, I can sometimes be a little bit greedy and sometimes I am a smart *** but hay... nobody is perfect.

  7. 10.

    I give my advice out to everyone, with a caveat that it's my opinion, I'm a man and therefore I could be wrong.

    My advice to you and all who rate themselves less than ten, is to give yourself the space and composure to be wrong.

    That is not an admission of failure to be correct.

  8. I give advice when it's asked for. Not when it's not needed.

    I prefer to rate it a 5 because any advice I give is based on hearing what that party says, not what I am experiencing myself. So if I'm not in the exact same situation, I cannot say my advice is 7 and above. It's up to the party to rate me. What's most important for me is to know that any advice that I've given has helped the party and brought a workable solution to the problem.


  9. I would say I will rate myself 9 because I gives some good advice that could help others solve for there problems and because I usually care more on others than myself let us just say that what makes me happy is when I see people around me are happy and it makes me feel that I have a use for others, for the worls, and not only for myself...

  10. If I am to give advice here, I advise rating be discontinued and supplanted immediately, forever, by, and with, thinking. This advice is especially important for the individual person who asked this question, for the groups of people who gather information for the purpose of advantage, and for humankind, generally. The focus will be on learning with the tools NATURE provides instead of parroting what others [mis]represent as knowledge (at the height of this absurdity: the quantification of the self).

  11. It depends on what kind of advice. If it's about relationships or things about which I know a lot, I rate myself at a 9 or 10 because I give good advice on that. I also give good advice to students about their classes and about writing (9 or 10).

    If it's about what kind of mechanical device works best... my advice isn't worth jack... so about a 2.

    I'm curious why you care.

  12. Scale 1   rating is done by you.

    Scale 2   I have two opinions

    Scale 3  We will put  TWO and ONE together.

    Scale 4  U are 4 me and I am 4 U

    Scale 5  U get 5 points and I get 5 points.

    Scale 6  I feel many are in sixes and sevens!

    Now ball is on your hand. Sorry my dear friend....

    Rating is always done at the other end for your GOOD service to mankind.

    Thank you

  13. For most of my life my peers have turned to me for counsel and advice.At first they did so because I could listen and was sympathetic not because I was wise. In later years it was because I was their pastor, or father or grandfather, however it is still because I listen and not so much because I give advice. final answer I really don't know.

  14. I am a nine, i have not discovered yet how to collect all the money i can make. mainly because i can make more money than is actually available  to  pay me . There is a half millionm people in my area. I  am already rich  beyond your wildest imagination,  i am famous  in  some places, and in others i have a good name,  my most cherished  achievement is my good name.

  15. How about this... On a scale of 1 to Awesome...

    I am crazy awesome.

    I may or may not bring any specialized knowledge to the table. I may have a very limited knowledge as to what they are talking about, but I listen and I always give an objective answer. I always tell them what would be the most logical and rational thing to do and most people are satisfied with that.

  16. Giving Advice:      -0- (Called humility)

    Giving Orders:     10.

    To give advice, one first must understand.

    To understand, one must first listen.

    To listen, one must focus.

    To focus, one must empty themself,

    To empty oneself, one must possess humility.

    Giving advice is hard work. Giving orders is easy.

    Best regards.

  17. 8.  I give good advice to anyone who needs it, even when I don't know how to help, I offer the best advice I can come up with at the time- and I often relate their stories to my own.  Except, I have trouble offering myself advice, so I lower my rating.  I mean, what good is advice if you can't follow it yourself?

    Good question though.

  18. I'd give myself a 2.

    Fault lying within the questioner's hands, not my own.

    People do not find honesty agreeable. Instead, they listen to the corny bullshit such as, cliche sayings, witticisms, etc. that take no thought process at all to sit and type and then interpret.

    Yahoo! Answers is not the place to seek guidance, unless you're into accepting the shallow lies of others, as they try to feed you the old "God loves you" or "WWJD???" lines.

  19. Could be a perfect TEN! I keep on advice  on anything and everything with everybody, especially my husband and my children and they do follow most of them, since I remind them mostly on their safety and well being namely to be careful on their travel in train,bus and car and secondly on the food and beverages they take outside and thirdly the time saving measures in homely work to have them good rest and a sound sleep!

  20. Only others can rate you, and then the ratings will be different, leaving you with a down-to-earth appraisal of yourself. Rating yourself is only self-flattery. Have a look at all the 9's and 10's in the other answers here.

  21. My dear... "GURU"....

    Well... I am NOT "vain" -or- arrogant ...because I believe, that "others" should rate my answers on the extent as HOW MUCH I was able to furnish assistance & help in times of need.... - I know "this much" : I am a sincere, altruistic individual, who enjoyes giving help to my fellow (wo)man !!! It gives me a feeling of contentment into my heart, when I was able to help someone !!! The numerous mails of "Thanks" I receive proove that my invested time was not ..."for nothing", which gives me a certain gratitude !!!

    I'm always glad to "serve others" various ways !!!

    Wish you all the best for the future! Greetings from Germany... Annette***

  22. I'm as good as I need to be in any given situation.  I don't like to use numbers to "rate" myself or anyone else for that matter.  I tend to be bluntly honest when asked for advice but I'm also honest about my knowledge or lack of knowledge of the subject at hand.  I generally just put a mirror in front of the persons face (metaphorically speaking) and they usually answer the question themselves.  I think most people just want to bounce an idea off of someone they trust with the truth when they already know the answer in the first place.

  23. I'd say 5.  I'm not worst advice giver but I I'm not awesome.  There's so much variation in people's issues, it's hard to give really good advice unless it's completely generic and applicable to a lot of different situations.  Plus I tend to ramble on and on, like there was this one time.....

  24. This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but I hope you'll understand when you're finished reading this.  I don't believe one can rightly define their success or failure by how well the recipient(s) take the advice given to them.  The fact that they listen, which by the way is 9/10 times the best thing to do, and GIVE advice should be sufficient enough success.  How it is applied is, at the very least, a joint concern between the one giving the advice and the one receiving it, if not entirely dependent on the recipient.  Let me try and sum it up:  The fact you listen and offer advice after you are asked is enough.  What they do with what you offered them is now up to them.  One should often remind the recipient (who ever they may be) that they do not have all the answers all of the time, but that they are there to listen.

  25. I want to give that right to the people who had some of my views that helped them through their lives.

    For how it had affected them and how I might think could be, fall on different places. I have good intentions though with my sincerity. If that had helped. I may still give myself at least 3 0r 4 maybe. ( I guess not really even half of 10 as you ask to rate it so)

    Cause I am aware there is still not enough for me that I should know.

    (Sometimes, It just pass on through my mind though..the saying 'The road to h**l paved with good intentions') lol!!^^

    Maybe just too much of YA watcher..

    But I am still yet positive somehow...'Have to be..

    Best Luck! Guru.

  26. Zero!!!!

    Everyone is indeed great in giving good advice to others, but I hesitate even when someone pointedly asks me for advice. The reason is that I don;t think anyone can think for or on behalf of someone else, just as one can not eat or drink on behalf of someone else. If my thoughts trigger some good thoughts in another person's mind, then it is basically the result of an equation rather than my ability to put forward the right thoughts. On the other hand, I always worry if my philosophical way of thinking would make another person rather inactive or unconcerned!! I therefore do not consider myself fit to give advice to anyone, not even to my own young son!!

  27. Hm, an 8 or so - ESPECIALLY if I have been through the troubles myself - and with two marriages and two kids among a ton of other things regarding family, love, money and life - yeah, pretty qualified to relate and share advice!  Lots of people come to me and say they leave with good ideas or feeling better so since I am a go to friend or kind of person I believe I deserve a higher rating :)  The only thing is though that sometimes what works for one person is NOT the answer for another!

  28. I'll be honest: between 0 and 2. You need to ask people who've received advice, what they think of it. Those who rated themselves 9&9.5 are probably rating how good their advice is to them, how well it would work for them; but this doesn't mean that the person asking got anything out of it even if they smiled, said thank you and looked pleased.

  29. a 10 of course!! just kidding, but I think it depends on what the question or problem is... there are some things I know absolutely nothing about... where I would give myself a 0... maybe a 10 for effort... lol... but there are many thing i excel at, and am excited to share my knowldege... there i would give myself a 10!  When I don't know something, and it is a friend asking, I do my best to find out as much information i can to be helpful to them...

  30. 50/50

    love taking advice and giving also.....

  31. When a person want to have full confident in what he is doing to himself or to others, he must regard as No. 1 and no less.

    Why must you be 2nd to others when you have the right to be the 1st.?

    Rating yourself is the job for others, and the value of the result is the satisfaction you get for what you have done, whether it is 1 or 10.  So, if you are rating someone, please give a thought for encouragement, as you won't loose out in anyway, yet you support good effort.  Rate very high for good contribution, OK.

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