
What would you rather do: Go for nine days to Rio de Janeiro and two days to Panama or...?

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Or go for two weeks to Rio de Janeiro and Salvador Bahia (maybe some other places too) but not go to Panama? Either way, I'm going to be 9 days in Rio.




  1. If you want sexo!!! Go to rio. Male or female! If you want to site see. Go to a non turisty location in Brazil!

    Have Fun!

  2. Go to Brazil, go to Rio and Salvador and you will have fun. What will you see in two days in Panama?

  3. well i will tell you panama is nice i have not been to rio yet ..but i was in panama las year for the carnaval and it was a good experience...but this year like you i am going to the bigggggggggest party in the world the rio carnaval ......a bout panama there is alot to see and the people are very friendly but i am looking forward to rio i think is going to be better somehow..if i like it i shall return the year after...........i just hope is as fun as people say it is....take care and enjoy your trip..

  4. Rio and Salvador.

  5. Go to Panama girl I hear it's beatiful. Have a wonderful time!

  6. Salvador is my fav city in Brazil..   its geogous .. even more so then Rio ..  Salvador is the heart of Brazil..  so if you really want to experience culture.. great food .. and people..  thats the place to be.

    i'd recommend stayin in salvador for at least 4 or 5 days.

    Boa Sorte

  7. I was in Rio (also Sao Paulo and Aguas de Lindoia) in August. Rio was one of the neatest places I've been to, and I have travelled internationally quite a bit. I will definitely go back.

    You can't go wrong with Rio. It's one of the most beautiful cities in the world (I've travelled quite a bit). There are some spectacular and unreal vistas from Sugarloaf and the Christ statue. The beaches are extremely wide and veeeery shallow. If you want we can go together and I will show you around. I definitely will go back.

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