
What would you rather do if ...?

by  |  earlier

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You love someone but you know he/she's not the one you wish to spend the rest of your life with.

You know he/she's not gonna fulfill your needs, yet you love him/her!




  1. hmmm. i kinda get what u mean and yes it hurts alot

    well i say just stick it out and see if u can change whatever it is in them that makes u not wanna be with them forever

    if u cant, then ur gonna have to leave him

  2. this is a bit complected why would you luv someone in the first place is u don't want to spend ur rest of life with .......

  3. enjoy it until Mr/Ms right comes along

  4. Too many details are left out here.  You love someone?  How do you know you don't want to spend the rest of your life with them?

  5. Umm.. I suppose that's why they call such love as blind love : )

  6. If your only in relationships to try and find the one you wanna be with the rest of your life, then dump him. Its just a waste of your time, and wasting away the time good guys are still single. the older you getg the harder it will be to find good, single men! But on the other hand, if your not looking for marriage right now, and not ready to be committed to one person, then date him.

  7. Dont waste ur time nor make the other person waste his/her time either.

    If that persons really love each other, as you said, then they will both be hurted at the end.

    May be the love that persons feel is so much, but friend's love.

    So..keep waiting the "correct" one but without hurt another person's feelings.

  8. Love isn't money ....

    love isn't needs

    love isn't i want

    love is giving without taking

    love is showing love without wanting it back.

    love is gods gift to the people.

    If you really love him you have to chose between money and love ! god bless you dear and good luck !

  9. well..yeah..what about dumping him and start a new chapter in in your life?

    never do something against your wishes no matter what.

  10. Either way ur guna get hurt ...... SO the best thing is to end the relationship before you get more attached to the person. The sooner it ends the better, imagine being with him for years & then having to break up, which would be better? Now or then? It's ur call ... Trust me, i know =)

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