
What would you rather have and why?Cat or dog

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What would you rather have and why?Cat or dog




  1. dog, they're loyal, smart and protective

  2. A cat, they are much easier to take care of.  

  3. well, its all really up to your character. A dog is much more playful and needs to be walked every day. a cat is more independent and is good for a quiet companion in my opinion. its really up to your liking.

    hope this helps

  4. Even though i have a cat , a dog gives you the most amazing and pure love.

    i wish i had enough time for a little poodle [ :

  5. Easy! A cat! But it has to be a cat that you treated as a friend as a kitten and not as a thing just to look at. If you ignore a kitten then it does not become socialized and grows up as a feral animal that lives iside your house. If you treat a kitten as a friend, or if you prefer to say if you treat it as a puppy, then it will grow up to be your friend. I have two cats. I pound on them (gently) like small drums and they LOVE it! Try that with your indoor feral cats! They will freak out and run away! But they will ALSO probably come back to get some more because it feels soooo good to them! And you will laugh because you can see in their face a terrible conflict between fear of something so new and potentially hurting to them, and wanting, NEEDING to be played like a drum like that because its like a massage to them and feels soooo good afterwards! HA! So when I am home my cats follow me and then want to lie down on top of me. When I'm on the computer they have to settle for lieing next to me. At night they want to sleep next to me, and do until I roll around too much and then they leave. They use their litter box, they feed and water themselves out of open bags of food and containers of water, and never go outside. A dog is too stupid to only eat what it needs to eat, it will eat everything in the bag even if it makes itself sick doing it. Same with water. And then they want to go outside, then come inside, then go outside, then come inside, then go outside, then come inside, go outside, then come inside, and that goes on all day and all night, every day, every night, all weather, all year, all the time. They are high maintenance! I mean HIGH MAINTENANCE!!! They stink, they are loud and obnoxious, and are too stupid to live on their own. Cats rule, dogs drool! XD  

  6. Cats are Better in my opinion. They are your friend and entertainment your happiness when your sick. My kitty loves me no matter how I look that day or wether my hair is perfect as long as I feed her and pet her she is happy. Dogs may be friends but they maul you and are nasty. Cats sit down and purr and are absolutely adoresble they can be active and then calm at bedtime.

  7. either one to tell you the truth.

    dogs, loyal and caring

    cats more independent,  but will snuggle with you every night

  8. GUINEA PIG for sure because they're cute , eat alot , quite sometimes and have awsome personalities.

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