
What would you rather????

by  |  earlier

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Drown, burn or fall to your death?




  1. Neither..

    I'd rather die on my sleep or from a gun shot  

  2. what kind of crazy question is this?  

  3. falling would be quickest, I don't think you would feel much pain if you die  on impact, where as drowning it would take like 30 secs to pass out because natural reaction is to try to stay alive. Burning would be agony for 20 seconds you would wish you were dead with the pain it would have.

    So I would say falling.

  4. I would drown because it is more peaceful.

  5. Uhmm... I think I'd rather drown!

    I mean, h**l no I'd never want to burn to death, after watching that part in Sweeney Todd, I realized just how horrible that is, worse than anything.

    & You can't speed up falling to your death, especially if it's like falling off a mountain. You're in for the long shot there, with many bruises along the way. Falling off a building maybe, but it's scary and then the impact on the ground... the chance that you might live but with broken bones, only to live the night in pain and die the next day. No.

    Drowning is the only one that you can really speed up and be sure to die, just hold your breath, fight the power, and drink the water. You know it's going to happen, it's not a sudden thing, so you can just make it happen faster. Probably the least painful and the sure most way to die.

  6. Fall if its from a large height because the death will be quicker and I will be in pain for a shorter amount of time.  Otherwise if it's a smaller height that will take time to bleed to death maybe drowning because that can happen in less than a minute.

  7. This  is  a  stupid  question.

  8. Fall I guess. Drowning is not peacefull its frigging terror and so is burning and its very painfull. Falling you would die very fast once you hit the ground.

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